Monday, August 24, 2020
Medival Warfare essays
Medival Warfare expositions Medieval Warfare Amos 1 Fighting and Punishment during the Middle Ages were extremely merciless and utilized an assortment of weapons, systems, and torment gadgets. Traversing approximately 1,000 years of contention, from the fifth to the fifteenth century, the Middle Ages was a period in which the mounted warrior, shielded or something else, dominated the front line. This was especially valid for the roaming warrior societies from the European steppes and Central Asia, who had a monstrous effect on settled society. (Gilbert 40) A considerable lot of these warrior social orders transformed themselves into Middle Age realms, anticipating to be vanquished by another. The powers of Byzantium, or the Eastern Roman domain were shielding remainders of Romes triumphs. In the long run because of wild weight from the Turkic people groups, the military floundered and lost a portion of their region. The Roman custom did live on. While the Western portion of Romes realm fallen, the Eastern domain reasserted itself as a military power in the eastern Mediterranean, utilizing blends of infantry, rangers, bowmen to vanquish their less refined enemies (Gilbert 42). A significant component to the quality of the Byzantine realm, lay in its restrained substantial mounted force the cataphracts. These mounted force men were furnished with full metal scale protection which stretched out to cover the pony just as the rider. The two men and ponies were prepared thoroughly and were equipped for completing unpredictable and troublesom e targets on the war zone (Gilbert 43). These men were not just capable in the utilization of their spear or blade, yet in addition talented bowmen which made them exceptionally scaring foes. The job of calvary - and the status of the pony and its rider - was of principal significance in the strictly enlivened regional development of the Arab clans (Gilbert 46). The Islamic domain not just conveyed genuine hits to Byz... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Performance Management
Question: Examine about the Performance Management. Answer: Presentation: Human asset the board suggestions allude to the capacities to which the associations intended to amplify representative execution in administration of a specialists key objectives. it halfway worries with the organization of people inside associations underlining on strategies and frameworks. Execution Management for the most part centers around the satisfaction of the association, segments of the association, laborers, and the whole procedure of making products and enterprises. Execution the executives incorporates exercises that ensure all objectives and goals reliably met in a capability and operational manner(Nielson, 2012). The use of the procedure is utilized for the most part in the working environment, spot of communication, for example, schools, get-togethers, and political gatherings. In this conversation, execution the executives will primarily start on the human asset the board suggestions. The reason for the exhibition the board around there is to construct a vital and j oined way to deal with improving the adequacy of association (Bartel, 2014). The upgrade of the satisfaction of the representatives by building up the capabilities of groups and laborers patrons. The exhibition of Human Resource Management suggestions gets laborers to settle down the individual targets with association objectives subsequently up flooding profitability of an association. One of the essential job and objectives of human asset the board is to improve the exhibition the executives of the association. The investigation will center the general changes in the workforce; the paper will fixate on the connection between execution the executives and ramifications of human asset management(Bakker, 2014). The examination will give clear information access over the associations. For a group to stay an upper hand, they ought to apply vital human asset rehearses. Be that as it may, execution isn't actually the idea to be characterized and hypothesized rapidly. Along these lines, it is prudent to utilize results as opposed to execution. They are recognizable by the money related outcomes, that is, benefits made, net edge and market stake. Also, the authoritative outcomes which incorporate efficiency, quality adequacy, and clients satisfaction. At last, the differentiation can be dictated by human asset results. They include laborers disposition and conduct towards t he organization.(Dess, 2009) When all is said in done, the article will give an exhaustive foundation on the connection between human asset the executives and execution the board in associations. Next, the investigation will build up the a portion of the speculations. From that point forward, the methodologies and advantages of on human asset the executives suggestions on execution the board. This paper closes with an end and suggestions. Advantages of execution the board on Human Resource Management In human asset the executives, execution the executives helps in overseeing laborers. The control of workers is done through execution framework and relate their targets offices. Moreover, this adds to the real conveyance of approach and working goal(Miles, 2014). Used to activate representatives. Then again, execution the board fuses programming instead of spreadsheet based account framework. The operational move may convey a generous degree of profitability by means of immediate or aberrant deal favorable circumstances, and practical adequacy. The advantages may remember lessening costs for the association help relating the organizations objectives with those of the supervisors. HRM suggestion on execution the executives serves to diminishes the time taken to fabricate arranged or operational changes. This is affected by working together the progressions over another arrangement of targets and goals(S, 2009). The ramifications of human asset the executives on the roused workforce. It upgrades motivation techniques to suitable points and focuses for accomplishment. Workforce improves laborers commitment. Everybody become more acquainted with one another, and the commitment each make towards accomplishing the associations objectives (Bartel, 2014). The job of execution the board assembles the HRM in improving administration control. It streamlines joint effort of arranging targets, help in review and agreeing to arrangement prerequisites, and upgrading adaptable, congenial to association needs(Borril, 2012). Hypothetical point of view on HRM and execution Possibility hypothesis. The hypothesis proposes that human asset the board system would of high effect just if suitably joined with a specific authoritative and business natural setting. Thusly, the associations that intently cooperate their business and human asset the executives procedures have the best execution results. Rather than the gatherings which have separate strategies. Notwithstanding the vital methodology being applied to any association, the analysts propose a few forceful methodologies. They incorporate business methodology with the client of HRM approach safeguard association technique with authority HRM procedure and analyzer firm strategy implementer HRM plan(RK, 2014). Asset based view. Asset based view results to dynamic perspective from outside in to an inward out methodology. From the attention on the outer organization based serious issues to private methods underscoring successful and productive activity. The hypothesis gives an extraordinary and basic hypothetical defense for human asset forthcoming obligation. Albeit as indicated by that point of view, contrasts in hierarchical execution can be authorize to sole methods and skills as opposed to the businesss auxiliary segments. In HRM setting, the unmistakable of rarely relies upon the activity pools heterogeneity and is regarding the model of asset particularity and work readiness. In any case, within in assets makes the basic point for scholarly association accomplishment. AMO system. In the HRM fields, the researchers propose three driving autonomous work framework components that shape laborers and the whole association and consequently add to the accomplishment of the group. They incorporate a procedure to guarantee the specialist has reasonable abilities and aptitudes. Prologue to invigorate and urge the staffs to take part in great practices. At long last, the frameworks of work that thought process representatives to partake their own and aggregate endeavors with respect to authoritative results. The association has begun to adjust this component in measuring the exhibition of the representative. The determinant of return incorporates representatives accomplishing work since they have the information and aptitudes and capacities (An Abilities). The representatives will do the laborers since they need to and are enough boosted (M-Motivations). They likewise guarantee their work environment condition offers the applicable help and stations for articulation (O- openings). The three speculations imitate the investigation of human asset at the hierarchical level and are significantly associated with its presentation impacts from an association point of view. The three speculations center around the focal presumptions behind the conceptualization of characterizing HRM and its job. Regardless, the simple actuality on the three most predominant strategies is recognized in connecting the HRM and execution. Nexus between Human Resource Management and Performance Outcomes In spite of the fact that the essential focal point of HRM is intended to improve the presentation of an association, there are no unequivocal concession to the idea of human asset the executives. The entire procedure of HRM is notable as a lot of laborers the board exercises. Be that as it may, there is no assent rundown of human asset exercises that quantify or depict human asset the executives. In the interim for HR to work in an unexpected way, it needs cautious consideration regarding human asset the executives suggestions. The extraordinary inquiry is the way we can accomplish the more critical impact on execution increase(Taris TW., 2015). The possible reaction to this worry relies upon completeness, outcome or the configurationally measurements. Receiving a thoroughness approach, there are sure HRM ramifications with best capacity to increase a positive effect on execution paying little mind to the condition. The configurationally system propose that the mix of HRM suggestion s is the impact that drives execution henceforth HR work in an unexpected way. At last, possibility milieu request to offer a response with respect to the conditions that will be progressively proficient. Despite the distinction system, they have a union where HRM is operationalized while grabbing the nexus between the two. It is extremely basic to inspect the HRM and execution the board Nexus, yet it ought to be realized that some vagary exits attempting to straightforwardness and characterize the exhibition measures. For HR to work in an unexpected way, likewise the exhibition results changes. They change into closeness to laborers commitments or level of mix in which they are resolved. The second incorporate the pertinent investor's group of core interest. Right now, the essential center lies in the primary nearness to the laborers' contribution(Bosilie, 2012). The potential proportions of HRM suggestions and the HR to work in an unexpected way, we layout three phases of results Human asset related outcomes. They incorporate recognizing discernment and quantifiable HRN results. For instance, full of feeling, psychological and conduct responses. Association execution results. They incorporate the efficiency, quality and viability of the association, and Monetary execution in which they include benefit, deals, and ROI Individuals the executives establishments An orderly assessment of the firm recommend that be an adjustment in its technique and structure be corresponding to the adjustments in the method of controlling the representatives. For instance, the improvement of authoritative structures has consistently prompted the ways of an administrative calling. Progressively certain cases, welcome on board the better approaches for the association
Friday, July 17, 2020
A Study of Tradition 9 of the 12 Traditions
A Study of Tradition 9 of the 12 Traditions January 27, 2020 Getty Images More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Overcoming Addiction Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use By not being highly organized, 12 step groups keep the emphasis on true fellowship and the focus on their primary purpose. Tradition 9 Our groups ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve. In the real world businesses and other groups are organized. There is a hierarchy of authority established so that some members of the organization have the authority to direct the actions of others. But, in twelve-step groups, no one has this kind of authority. The groups are a fellowship of equals. Decisions are made by the group as a whole and not by one or a few members. By creating and maintaining this atmosphere of true fellowship twelve-step groups ensure that even the newest members can quickly gain a feeling of belonging. If no one is in authority, how are executive decisions made? Decisions are made by the group as a whole through what is known as a group conscience vote. Any member of the group can request that a business meeting be held, separate from the groups regular meeting time, for the discussion of any issue affect the group as a whole. After a discussion of the issue, during which all members have an opportunity to express their opinions, the group votes on the issue and the majority vote decides the question. In this manner, the group maintains unity by providing an atmosphere in which all voices are heard â€" from the oldest long-timer to the newcomer â€" and everyone has an equal voice and vote. But, not being organized has other benefits to the group, as visitors to this site pointed out on the bulletin board: Responsible to Those We Serve It took me 3 months to get completely sober. In all the groups that I go to, I dont know who any of the leaders are yet. When we start sharing we are all equal, nobody is an expert, and you feel that equality. Im sure that eventually, Ill find out who the Group Representative is and who keeps the checkbook, but with only 19 days sobriety right now all I can do is reach out and have already used about 20 phone numbers (nobody home) to keep from taking a drink. The one who was supposed to be there was. Of the people on my list, I could not picture them in my mind, but I knew they were available to call because they put their name down when I sent my where and when around the room. I have two, full of names, and another one with only one number on it. After using up the first two, the one number on the where and when was home! It seems like a prime example of Responsible to those we serve just being able to put their names on a list for a newcomer! Paul Focus on Service The most important person that walks into a group of Alcoholics Anonymous, is the newcomer, without him we will surely die as an individual and as a whole. If we try to organize him, he will flee, after all, his life is already unmanageable. How then can we structure him into becoming a recovering AA who will be responsible for reaching out to the still suffering alcoholic? When I first came into the rooms of AA over 18 years ago, It was the tail end of what used to be, and can only speak for a large area of Long Island, NY, where we had steering committees. Steering Committees where old-timers in the group who didnt have an on-the-surface commitment, such as coffee maker, chairman, literature, secretary, etc. They were the voice that carried the message via experience, strength, and hope, to help the group stay focused on the principles and traditions in various areas. They would share their knowledge at a meeting, business meeting or sometimes one-on-one to let a person know why the traditions were so important, and if not followed, could harm or relapse a newcomers sobriety. The years of experience in AA of those who keep coming back is where the value is of what works in AA and what does not â€" all those years of seeing things proven over and over again. If all the old-timers have left and a group is in trouble, GSO would send a GSR to help restructure the group. Today there are many, many groups in my area where the old-timers have left. There are no steering committees. New members are taking commitments too soon, such as a person with under a year being a Group Representative and going out and drinking before they have two years sober because they got right into the politics of AA rather than personal recovery and had no foundation. Most people in this area do not know that a GSR would come out and help restructure a group. There arent many who are willing to lead a tradition meeting and not many who want to attend one. The membership of old-timers has declined more and more with the new thinking: I have my sobriety, I did all the work already, I did all my steps, I only need 1 or 2 meetings a week (sometimes you hear a month), I am fine, I dont need to go, I. I. I. Oops! Where is the we? Alethea
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Tempest Summary for Students
The Tempest, written in 1611, is said to be William Shakespeares last play. It is a tale of magic, power, and justice, and some readings even see it as Shakespeares way of taking his own final bow. To touch on the most important aspects of this iconic play, here is a summary of The Tempest.  The Tempest Summary of the Plot A Magical Storm The Tempest begins on a boat being tossed about in a storm. Aboard are Alonso (the King of Naples), Ferdinand (his son), Sebastian (his brother), Antonio (the usurping Duke of Milan), Gonzalo, Adrian, Francisco, Trinculo, ​and Stefano. Miranda, who has been watching the ship at sea, is distraught at the thought of lost lives. The storm was created by her father, the magical Prospero, who reassures her that all will be well. Prospero then explains how the two of them came to live on this island: They were once part of Milan’s nobilityâ€â€he was a Dukeâ€â€and Miranda lived a life of luxury. However, Prospero’s brother usurped him and exiled them. They were placed on a boat, never to be seen again. Then, Prospero summons Ariel, his servant spirit. Ariel explains that he has carried out Prospero’s orders: He destroyed the ship and dispersed its passengers across the island. Prospero instructs Ariel to be invisible and spy on them. Ariel asks when he will be freed, but Prospero tells him off for being ungrateful, promising to free him soon. Caliban: Man or Monster? Prospero decides to visit his other servant, Caliban, but Miranda is reluctantâ€â€she describes him as a monster. Prospero agrees that Caliban can be rude and unpleasant but says he is invaluable to them because he collects their firewood. When Prospero and Miranda meet Caliban, we learn that he is native to the island, but Prospero turned him into a slave. This raises issues of morality and fairness in the play. Love at First Sight Ferdinand stumbles across Miranda and, much to Prospero’s annoyance, they fall in love and decide to marry. Prospero warns Miranda off and decides to test Ferdinand’s loyalty. The rest of the shipwrecked crew are drinking to simultaneously celebrate their survival and grieve for lost loved ones, as Alonso believes that he has lost his beloved son, Ferdinand. Caliban’s New Master Stefano, Alonso’s drunken butler, discovers Caliban in a glade. Caliban decides to worship the drunken Stefano and make him his new master in order to escape Prospero’s power. Caliban describes Prospero’s cruelty and persuades Stefano to murder him by promising that Stefano can marry Miranda and rule the island. The other shipwreck survivors have been trekking across the island and stop to rest. Ariel casts a spell on Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio and derides them for their previous treatment of Prospero. Gonzalo and the others think that the spellbound men are suffering from the guilt of their past actions and promise to protect them from doing anything impulsive. Prospero finally concedes and agrees to the marriage of Miranda and Ferdinand and goes off to foil Caliban’s murderous plot. He orders Ariel to hang out beautiful clothes to distract the three fools. When Caliban and Stefano discover the clothes, they decide to steal themâ€â€Prospero arranges for goblins to â€Å"grind their joints as punishment. Prospero’s Forgiveness and Absolution At the end of the play, Prospero has forgiven his countrymen, pardoned Caliban, and promised to set Ariel free after he helps the ship leave the island. Prospero also breaks his magical staff and buries it, and tosses his book of magic into the sea. All of these things redeem his earlier behaviors and hearken back to the belief that hes not truly evil. The last thing Prospero does in the play is to ask the audience to set him free from the island with their applause, for the first time leaving his future in the hands of others. Major Characters Prospero While Prospero can be viewed as an evil character, he is more complex than that. His negative actions can be chalked up to his being angry, bitter, and controlling; the tempest that he conjures to shipwreck his countrymen is often said to be a physical manifestation of Prosperos anger. Still, he doesnt kill any of his countrymen despite having the opportunity, and he even eventually forgives them. Miranda Miranda represents purity. Prospero is obsessed with keeping her virginity intact and ensuring that when she is finally handed over to Ferdinand, her new husband will honor and treasure her. Miranda is often seen as a very innocent character and the antithesis of the witch Sycorax, the mother of Caliban. Caliban Caliban is the demon son of the witch Sycorax and the Devil, and it is unclear whether he is human or monster. Some scholars believe that Caliban is an evil character because he has tried to rape Miranda in the past, is the son of the Devil, and plots with Stefano to kill Prospero. Others say that Caliban is merely a product of his birth and that it is not his fault who his parents were. Many also view Prosperos mistreatment of Caliban (making him a slave) as evil and that Caliban is simply responding to his unfortunate circumstances. Ariel Ariel is a magical spirit that inhabited the island long before anyone else. He uses male pronouns but is a gender-ambiguous character. Sycorax imprisoned Ariel in a tree when he refused to do Sycoraxs bidding because Ariel viewed her desires as evil. Prospero freed Arial, and the remained faithful to Prospero the entire time the protagonist inhabited the island. At his core, Ariel is a kind, empathetic creature, sometimes viewed as being angelic. He cares for humans and helps Prospero see the light and forgive his kinsman. Without Ariel, Prospero may very well have remained a bitter, angry man on his island forever. Major Themes The Tripartite Soul One of the major themes from this play is the belief in the soul as three parts Plato called this the tripartite of the soul, and it was a very commonly held belief in the Renaissance. The idea is that Prospero, Caliban, and Ariel are all a part of one person (Prospero). The three factions of the soul were vegetative (Caliban), sensitive (Ariel), and rational (Ariel and Prospero). Sigmund Freud later adopted this concept into his id, ego, and superego theory. By this theory, Caliban represents the id (the child), Prospero the ego (the adult), and Ariel the superego (the parent). Many performances of the play after the 1950s have the same actor playing all three roles, and it is only when all three characters can come to the same conclusion (forgiveness) that the three factions are brought together. When this happens to Prosperoâ€â€when the three parts of his soul uniteâ€â€he can finally move on. Master/Servant Relationships In The Tempest, Shakespeare draws on master/servant relationships to demonstrate power and its misuse. In particular, control is a dominant theme: Characters battle for control over each other and the island, perhaps an echo of England’s colonial expansion in Shakespeare’s time. With the island in colonial dispute, the audience ​is asked to question who the rightful owner of the island is: Prospero, Caliban, or Sycoraxâ€â€the original colonizer from Algiers who performed evil deeds. Historical Context: The Importance of Colonialism The Tempest takes place in 17th century England, when colonialism was a dominant and accepted practice, particularly among European nations. This is also contemporary with Shakespeares writing of the play. It is no coincidence, therefore, that the plot shows the deep influence of colonialism, especially in terms of Prospero’s actions: He arrives at Sycorax’s island, subdues it, and imposes his own culture on its inhabitants while calling them undignified and savage. Shakespeare also seems also to have drawn on Michel de Montaigne’s essay Of the Cannibals, which was translated into English in 1603. The name of Prospero’s servant, Caliban, may have come from the word â€Å"cannibal.†When picturing the storm in The Tempest, Shakespeare may have been influenced by 1610 document â€Å"A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonie in Virginia,†which describes the adventures of some sailors who had returned from the Americas. Key Quotes As with all of his plays, Shakespeares The Tempest contains plenty of pithy, striking, and moving quotes. These are a few that set up the play. A pox o your throat, you bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog!(Sebastian; Act 1, Scene 1) Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground: long heath, broom, furze, anything. The wills above be done, but I would fain die a dry death(Gonzalo; Act 1, Scene 1) Canst thou rememberA time before we came unto this cell?(Prospero; Act 1, Scene 2) In my false brotherAwakened an evil nature, and my trust,Like a good parent, did beget of himA falsehood in its contrary as greatAs my trust was, which had indeed no limit,A confidence sans bound.(Prospero; Act 1, Scene 2) Good wombs have borne bad sons.(Miranda; Act 1, Scene 2) Hell is empty,And all the devils are here.(Ariel; Act 1, Scene 2)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Google Really Making Us Stupid Essay - 2355 Words
In a lecture hall, a professor stands in front of a classroom full of students as he waits for an answer to his question. A student raises his hand and answers â€Å"no,†but he is unable to explain his conclusion. In Deborah Tannen’s article â€Å"The Roots of Debate in Education and the Hope of Dialogue,†she talks about how we should not just focus on stating that other people’s points are wrong and that the only way to seem original or creative is to prove other people’s points are wrong. This topic is highly important for students who are just entering college where they will encounter open discussions and the test of their ability to think outside of the box to prove an answer. Tannen’s ideas about the topic of debate may be quite beneficial†¦show more content†¦In Twenge’s article, she builds upon individualism, self-esteem and narcissism while Tannen’s article discusses the insecurity and difficulty among female s when expressing opinions against men. Through Tannen’s article, students can learn the importance of debate in discussion and defending opinions, which will broaden their scope on a particular topic. Incoming UCONN students can benefit from Tannen’s article where they can be introduced to the concept that there is a need to develop a meaningful context into which subsequent ideas and skills can be assimilated in the involvement of debate. â€Å"The Roots of Debate in Education and the Hope of Dialogue†presents a whole new way of thinking that could be helpful for a new UCONN student. It focuses on how negative approaches to debate is not the way to go. Quickly Tannen discusses how at the beginning of our early life, we are all taught, sometimes inadvertently, that we should not have to bring down other peoples ideas to bring up our own. Following this, she teaches a tactic to regulate our approach on how we think about things or how we feel about things and i n the end it is about how we perceive the world. We need to be taught how to think and transform our ideas into a weapon when we go into a discussion. One flaw in the argument culture is that it has a tendency for individuals to approach an issue with a debate-mentality that leads to criticism and attacks on theShow MoreRelatedHow Google Really Making Us Stupid?961 Words  | 4 Pages Is Google really making us stupid or life without google going to making us stupid. In my opinion, I believe that Google isn’t making us stupid, but smarter. Google is a web server that helps us in many ways for getting answers and learning more about history,music,news,people etc. Now in 2015 i feel that the internet is changing not only for the better, but for the new generation to learn more. I can honestly say that everyone i know has either been on the internet or used google reason being itsRead MoreIS Google Making us Stupid1091 Words  | 5 PagesFebruary 2014 The Truth Behind Google Have you every truly thought about the way you use Google? Some people basically use it as a replacement of an education, while others use it to find information quick and easy. The first article named â€Å"Yes†, written by Nicholas Carr, describes how Google is making people stupid. The second article titled â€Å"No†, written by Peter Norvig explains that Google is not making people dumb. Carr wants to display that most people use Google to find answers, and in thatRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?1548 Words  | 7 Pagesindependent will and creative imagination. These gives us the ultimate human freedom†¦. The power to choose, to respond, to change (Independence Quotes. Brainy Quote. Xplore. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.).†The Declaration of Independence allows people to do whatever they please as long as it’s within the law, but Google is restraining what people can really do. It may not seem that a search engine can limit people, but one needs to th ink about the many things Google consists of that doesn’t allow people to chooseRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?1048 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Is Google making us stupid? Three authors weigh in One of the most common clichÃÆ' ©s is that the Internet has robbed us of our attention spans and impeded our ability to communicate effectively. Once we could write properly, now we only text. Google has made us lazy in terms of how we research and access data. However, is this true? In three major news publications, three major essayists have grappled with this question and come to completely different conclusions. Although the neurological evidenceRead MoreIs Text Mining Different Than Data Mining?1541 Words  | 7 Pagesread the article, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†found in the additional readings folder on Blackboard. In your own words, describe your reaction to the key ideas in the article then answer the question posed in the article title (in your own opinion, of course). After reading the article, I start thinking about how Google is impacted people. In this article the author talked about two key ideas: In the first key idea in the article, the author talks about the way Google or internet is affectingRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid Nicholas Carr Summary1496 Words  | 6 PagesIs Google Making Us Stupid? It is a well-known fact that the Internet has become a central part of society, and it has completely changed every aspect of life for the human race, whether it is for better or worse. Nicholas Carr explains his thoughts on how the Internet has changed how people think in his article, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†He believes that the human race is losing its ability to think deeply and is creating a distraction culture, and that companies like Google are working toRead MoreHow Technology Has Impacted Our Lives Negatively1055 Words  | 5 Pagesalso controlled by us. Authors Nicholas Carr, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†, Jonathan Franzen, â€Å"Liking is for Cowards†, and Peggy Orenstein, â€Å" The Way We Live Now†all demonstrate how we live in a world where the internet and social media plays an important role in our society solely because we allow it to. Some will argue that technology has impacted our lives negatively, yet fail to acknow ledge how it also impacted us positively as well. In the article, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid†, author NicholasRead MoreTechnology Advantages And Disadvantages Essay1548 Words  | 7 Pagesfor humans to learn information faster and easier than ever before, thus making life much simpler. To know and learn what we know now with a couple of words and a simple click is unbelievable. In the past it took people years to learn the information we can easily access today. The more information we know the more we think; which is not only beneficial to a single individual but to everyone. In â€Å" Is Google Making Us Stupid?†, Nicholas Carr states,â€Å" The more pieces of information we can access andRead MoreLack of Brain Power in Nicholas Carrs Article, Is Google Making Us Stupid1210 Words  | 5 PagesIs Google Making Us Stupid The article ‘Is Google Making Us Stupid?’ discusses in detail how technology has affected the human brain’s ability to read long passages. The author feels that the internet is bad for the brain. Nicholas Carr writes that he spends much of his leisure time from the Net. Carr feels like he can’t concentrate on the long passages of reading because his brain is used to the fast millisecond flow of the Net. ‘For more than a decade now, I’ve been spending a lot of time onlineRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid Essay 4894 Words  | 4 PagesIs Google Making Us Stupid Nicholas Carr’s Atlantic Online article â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid,†discusses how the use of the computer affects our thought process. Carr starts out talking about his own experience as a writer and how he felt like â€Å"something had been tinkering with his brain, remapping his neural circuitry and reprogramming his memory†. Since starting to use the Internet his research techniques have changed. Carr said before he would immerse himself in books, lengthy articles and
The Phenomenon of Late Marriage in China Free Essays
The Phenomenon of Late Marriage in China It is a generally noted phenomenon that Chinese tend to get married later than they used to especially in big cities. Across the country, we observe virtually everywhere that the rate of marriage becoming lower year after year. Chinese used to marry before twenty- five years old. We will write a custom essay sample on The Phenomenon of Late Marriage in China or any similar topic only for you Order Now But now, some youngsters go study further; some devoted in their career; some who have dated one after other still refuse to step into the palace of marriage. Careful observation and elaborate thinking convinced me that the issue happens because of the objective and subject.According to a survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Social Science, the number of marriage continues to decline especially in big city. (The Chinese get married late increasingly)But why does this happen? And how will it affect the future? While thinking deeply, I came up with some ideas about this issue. Objectively thinking, the overload burden takes too much pressure to the youngsters. Pressure like educations, works, transportations, houses, love comes form every where occupy youngsters’ whole lives.Firstly, the price of houses is too high for youngster to support. House slaves, also called Ant people, stands for people who usually work in big city have lots of housing debt to support. You definitely need to have a shelter before getting married. Secondly, transportation occupies too much time. Neither do they have time to date someone, nor do they get married. Thirdly, low employment rate nowadays, youths trend to study further than before in order to avoid the pressure. All of above will probably make youths get married late.Thinking logically at first, many people get married later just because they are not ready to get married. It can be divided into two aspects. One is material basis, the other is mental. Speaking of material basis, youths between twenty and thirty don’t have economy standard. And people still in school are fed by their parents. Apparently their mental isn’t mature enough. In fact, getting married is the start of a new life. Setting up your own family means a lot of responsibility. As an old saying goes,†It’s easy to get the spark of love, but it’s difficult to keep it†.For instance, after getting married, wives need to get up early to prepare the breakfast for husbands; husbands have to work harder than before in order to support the family; couples suppose to remember the date of each other’s birthday; and they’d better to have a good relationship with lover’s relatives. No wander of saying goes,†Marriage is the tomb of love†. Secondly, owing to the pressure coming from all over the work, study, house debt and transportation, love may fade away. All these scared the youth who are in the right age of marriage. For example, pressure like transportation occupies too much time.Neither do they have time to date someone, nor do they get married. And the issue of house slaves coming to an essential topic these days has deeply been debated. House slaves, also called Ant people, stands for people who usually work in big city have lots of housing debt to support. In China, a shelter is definitely a necessity before getting married. But the price of the house is too high to be paid by poor youths. What’s more, youths who graduated from school just started work need to pay most of the time on their work. With the low employment rate nowadays, youths trend to study further than before in order to avoid the pressure.All of above will probably make youths get married late. Moreover, thoughts of Chinese are changing today! In the ancient time, Chinese got married mainly because they want to have babies to carry on the family lines. But nowadays, Chinese get married because they finally find their soul mates. Form person perspective, ‘One Child Policy ‘makes Chinese grown up in the 80’s be used to being alone. They grew up in the age of Internet. Variety kinds of entertainments scarify them and they spent less time with friends. So, many of them may probably have troubles in communicating with others.Finally, taking some individual cases into account, some environmentalists believe that the fewer newborns we have, the less polluted the planet will be. Because people have carbon emissions during their whole life and too much carbon emissions will intensified greenhouse effect and enlarge the hole in the ozone layer. This case may not hold an important role as the upper points. It still be mentioned considering of academic cautious. After considering of all these causes, let’s focus the attention on its effects. Thinking of the present only, single people will have more time hanging out late at night.And this will probably raise the rate of crime. While thinking further, some people believe that getting married later can slow down the population growth rate of China. As the large population provides heavy burden for China, it benefits to the whole country because. While others advocate that this point of view is short-sighted. Assuming birth rate continues decreased in decades. Time flies fast and youths won’t be young anymore. Fewer youths working than before will slow down the speed of economic developing. An awareness of this issue, Chinese government has already put out series policy to change the status.Considering of the high price of house, government has taken some specific measures to restrain the high speed increase of price. They also built up some apartments in low price and provided for the poor. New policies are beginning to effect. But there still have lots of things to do. While observing all over the world, many countries especially the developed countries are disturbed by the low rate of birth. So this issue becomes a global issue that should be aware by all the people. Chinese Academy of Social Science. The Chinese get married late increasingly. 2008. 17 Jan. lt; http://jnrb1. e23. cn/html/dsnb/20080117/dsnb43308. htmlgt; How to cite The Phenomenon of Late Marriage in China, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Negative Health Impacts
There are myriads of negative health impacts that millions of people will continue to face as a consequence of climate change. The ill effects of global warming should be addressed with urgency. The earth’s climate is being affected by the disruptive human activities.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Negative Health Impacts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is indeed true that the emission of greenhouse gases has immensely contributed to the devastating effects of global warming. Gaseous emissions such as methane and carbon dioxide usually restrict the dispatch of long wave radiation from the surface of the earth. When this radiation combines with the short wave rays from the sun, a warming effect is created on the immediate surface of the earth (Smith and Wigley 448). These effects are multiplied several times and eventually result into global warming. It is unfortunate that the key policy makers are not wiling to address the impact of global warming and offer a lasting solution. It does not require rocket science to understand that greenhouse gas emissions are harmful to the life of both plants and animals. Most of the negative health outcomes of global warming are straightforward. For instance, enhanced pollen production, interruption of the hydrologic cycle and warmer temperatures may directly lead to poor quality of air, increase in morbidity, and intense exposure to heat stress. Worse still, there are other potentially harmful indirect effects associated with the changes in climate. When the natural systems of the planet Earth are altered, both animal and plants are exposed to great danger. For example, we have witnessed several instances of erratic weather in different parts of the globe. These include flooding, drought, desertification, hurricanes and tornados. The aforementioned risks have hampered access to vital natural resources such as food and water. Excess precipitati on that leads to floods is not beneficial at all in the survival of plants and animals.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, aridity and desertification are growing at a very high rate in some parts of the world. Eventually, the human population will have limited access to necessary food nutrients. The latter is a direct impact of climate change that the developed world should be in a position to comprehend. Even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has scantly addressed some of the scaring effects of climate change. As it stands now, there is uncertainty on whether governments across the world are really interested or committed to control harmful emissions to the environment. Ever since the Kyoto Protocol was ignored, subsequent global summits on climate change have hardly instituted firm measures that can be put in place in order to curb the derailing im pacts of environment pollution. The quota system of greenhouse gas emission was a viable proposal to cut down emissions. However, the future is greatly uncertain. Water is one of the most precious natural commodities that sustain human and animal health (Villar and Jon 7). Nonetheless, lack of adequate water resources is currently a key global concern. Poor access to pure water has been aggravated by the effects of climate change and global warming. Where are we heading to as a planet? Water table is below the sustainable level in some regions. A case example is the northern plain of China. Although the region supports large scale wheat farming, the ground water table has been dwindling at a very fast rate.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Negative Health Impacts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Recent estimates reveal that the level of ground water is diminishing at a rate of three meters per year. This implies that the region might eventually turn into an arid and semi arid zone. Second, India is spending 50% of its electricity expenses to facilitate irrigation. Water has to be pumped from deep wells and transported some kilometers away in order to irrigate crops planted in the dry zone. If such trends will continue, we can be assured that the human population may eventually be eliminated from the planet. It is not sustainable to irrigate crops in dry regions due to the high cost of operation. The human population is also rapidly growing. A high population will translate into an increased demand for resources to sustain life. Consequently, the pace of industrial growth will equally skyrocket. The net effect will be the continued emission of greenhouse gases. Hence, the pollution cycle will repeat itself. Nonetheless, such a dire situation does not mean that there are no solutions for the challenge. A case in point is the adoption of green energy revolution in the mass production of goods. It is not mandatory to burn fossil fuels in order to generate energy. Scientific inventions can be adopted to replace rampant use of fossil fuels. The latter have already been suggested to policy makers. Nevertheless, it is taking too long to embrace the green energy solution. Some of the clean energy sources that can be used instead of fossil fuels include solar energy, wind energy, nuclear power, geothermal energy and power from hydrogen. All of these clean energy sources have been tested and proven to be functional for both small and large scale production processes.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The world leaders should be asking themselves very critical questions regarding climate change and the associated ill effects on human health. From the readings, there is fear that the sea level will continue to rise as ice caps melt due to global warming (Myers and Aaron 35). Some islands and beaches may finally submerge into oceans. The latter effect will also contribute significantly to the overall volume of liquid water on the planet. Will the increased amount of water volume affect the human population? As already pointed out in the above section, food availability will be a challenge to grapple with in the future. In any case, food shortage in several parts of the world is a humanitarian issue that is being addressed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The latter is a subsidiary body of the United Nations (UN). On a final note, it is pertinent to underscore the fact that human beings are solely responsible to conserve the environment. When we emit harmful gaseous c ompounds into the atmosphere, we risk our health. As much as we should appreciate the role played by industrial revolution in economic development, it is also worthy to countercheck the negative effects associated with such developments. The economic and health benefits of industrialization should be keenly weighed against the detrimental impacts. If climate change can lead to water scarcity, poor nutrition (due to inadequate supply of food), displacement of populations and gross deterioration of the natural ecosystems, then it is prudent for world leaders and policy makers to address the menace urgently. We may end up phasing out the entire human population that we purport to safeguard through industrialization (Houghton 76). Works Cited Houghton, Theodore. Global Warming: The Complete Briefing. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print. Myers, Samuel and Bernstein, Aaron. â€Å"The Coming Health Crisis†. The Scientist. 2007: 32-37. Print. Smith, Steven and Tom Wigle y. â€Å"Global Warming Potentials: 1. Climatic Implications of Emissions Reductions.†Climatic Change 44. 4 (2000): 445-457.Print. Villar, Ana and Krosnick, Jon. â€Å"Global Warming Vs. Climate Change, Taxes Vs. Prices: Does Word Choice Matter?†Climatic Change 105.1 (2011): 1-12. Print. This essay on Negative Health Impacts was written and submitted by user Obi-Wan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on Inflation
Inflation Inflation, can our economy grow without it? What is inflation? The definition of inflation is â€Å"an abnormal increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods.†Although, Webster’s is considered by most to be the overall best dictionary, WordNet states the meaning of inflation a lot clearer by saying, â€Å"it’s a general and progressive increase in prices.†It occurs when the value of goods rises faster than the value of money. The usual approximate measure of this is the Consumer Price Index, which weigh the prices of different goods according to importance in a typical budget and then shows how much the prices of these goods have increased. This immediately raises some problems; for example, the weight of the goods must change over time. The importance of computers was not measured in the price index 100 years ago. Another problem is the failure of the price index to capture changes in quality. The quality of a good may have improved by 20%, while the price has only risen by 10%. The consumer price index doesn’t feel this should be a factor, but many would disagree. Hence, inflation is not easy to define in practice. This should be kept in mind when discussing how to defeat inflation. There have been numerous theories on how to defeat inflation and even some theories on whether, or not, it should be defeated at all. Some say that inflation is not only expected, but also often, needed. Economists believe that in order for the economy to expand and grow, there has to be some level of inflation. Therefore, the opposite holds true as well. If you want to lower inflation, you have to accept a semi-standard economy. They call this tradeoff the Phillips Curve. The Phillips Curve is thought to be the â€Å"proper†way of balancing economic growth and inflation. For this reason the Federal Reserve is always looking for the perfect equilibrium at which we can maximize our economic growth wh i... Free Essays on Inflation Free Essays on Inflation Inflation Inflation, can our economy grow without it? What is inflation? The definition of inflation is â€Å"an abnormal increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods.†Although, Webster’s is considered by most to be the overall best dictionary, WordNet states the meaning of inflation a lot clearer by saying, â€Å"it’s a general and progressive increase in prices.†It occurs when the value of goods rises faster than the value of money. The usual approximate measure of this is the Consumer Price Index, which weigh the prices of different goods according to importance in a typical budget and then shows how much the prices of these goods have increased. This immediately raises some problems; for example, the weight of the goods must change over time. The importance of computers was not measured in the price index 100 years ago. Another problem is the failure of the price index to capture changes in quality. The quality of a good may have improved by 20%, while the price has only risen by 10%. The consumer price index doesn’t feel this should be a factor, but many would disagree. Hence, inflation is not easy to define in practice. This should be kept in mind when discussing how to defeat inflation. There have been numerous theories on how to defeat inflation and even some theories on whether, or not, it should be defeated at all. Some say that inflation is not only expected, but also often, needed. Economists believe that in order for the economy to expand and grow, there has to be some level of inflation. Therefore, the opposite holds true as well. If you want to lower inflation, you have to accept a semi-standard economy. They call this tradeoff the Phillips Curve. The Phillips Curve is thought to be the â€Å"proper†way of balancing economic growth and inflation. For this reason the Federal Reserve is always looking for the perfect equilibrium at which we can maximize our economic growth wh i...
Monday, March 2, 2020
APA Referencing †How to Cite a YouTube Video
APA Referencing – How to Cite a YouTube Video APA Referencing – How to Cite a YouTube Video Not that long ago, the idea of citing a YouTube video in an academic paper would have sent some old-fashioned college professors into fits of outrage about how young people don’t understand what proper research is all about (i.e., dusty old books). WHATS A YOUTUBE? I DONT LIKE CHANGE! These days, however, there’s no denying that YouTube and other online videos can be crucial academic sources in many subject areas. As such, knowing how to cite an online video source is increasingly useful. Herein, we look at how to do this with APA referencing. Citing a YouTube Video Citing an online video involves giving the uploader’s name and the year that the video was uploaded in parentheses. For instance, a video uploaded in 2016 by the cultural critic Anita Sarkeesian to her Feminist Frequency YouTube channel would be cited as follows: The trope of the sinister seductress is pervasive in video games (Sarkeesian, 2016). Here, we cite the â€Å"author†of the video because it’s hosted on her own channel. If you’re quoting part of a video directly, the citation should also include a time stamp: In the video, Nicky Clayton and Clive Wilkins discuss the â€Å"capacity to convey and understand ideas non-verbally†(TEDx Talks, 2013, 3:37). You’ll notice here that, despite the talk being by Nicky Clayton and Clive Wilkins, â€Å"TEDx Talks†is the name given in the citation. This is because the â€Å"TEDx Talks†channel hosts videos by numerous speakers, so Clayton and Wilkins are not the uploaders. Reference List As with other sources, full publication information should be included in the reference list for any online videos you cite in your work. For a YouTube video, this involves providing the following: Surname, Initials. [Screen name]. (year, month day). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from You’ll notice that this includes both a name and a screen name. This helps readers find the video when the uploader’s real name is different to their username. In the case of the Anita Sarkeesian video cited above, for example, you’d need to provide both: Sarkeesian, A. [Feminist Frequency]. (2016, September 28). Sinister seductress tropes vs women in video games [Video file]. Retrieved from If a channel doesn’t provide the uploader’s real name, only the screen name is required: TEDx Talks. (2013, August 19). Conversation without words: Nicky Clayton Clive Wilkins at TEDxOxbridge [Video file]. Retrieved from It’s important to remember that the name you should cite in the main text of your work is the same one used to list the source alphabetically in the reference list.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Forecast of Demand for Sun Chlorella food supplements and delivery in Research Paper
Forecast of Demand for Sun Chlorella food supplements and delivery in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe , supplier company point of view - Research Paper Example This demand forecasting shall be done using the following demand forecast research methods: Jury of executive opinion This aspect of the forecast was done by high-level managers whose services were specially employed by my company. They had to work with top marketing executives of my company. Because the demand forecast adopted the qualitative approach, the jury of executive did not have to use any mathematical or quantitative data. Rather, they used their managerial and professional experience in the area of food supplement industry. The jury pegged the marketability demand for the Sun Chlorella food supplements as very bright and prospective. Their strong points included the following: The increasing education on good health through nutrition has made the demand for food supplements go up over the past five months and it is likely to continue for the next seven months. The target population is Female between the age of 35- 60. Records show that the female population between the age s of 35 and 60 in Eastern Europe and Bulgaria outnumber any population target group. The economy of Eastern Europe and Bulgaria is generally improving and thus any new product introduced unto these markets have higher chances of surviving today than it had six months back. The supplier company will take advantage of the technological factors it has put in place such as the use of websites. This is because accessibility to the internet is becoming increasingly potent in Eastern Europe and Bulgaria via the use of gadgets such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets and the like. Sales force composite The company has designated sales personnel for self-made regions for the sale of the Sun Chlorella Food Supplement. There are ten (10) regions in all across Eastern Europe and Bulgaria for that matter. Each of these ten sales representatives was tasked to make projection of sales. They were to do their projections based on the experienced they have acquired in dealing with other food products that Apricus Limited has had to trade in before. Their projections were also to be guided by the opinion of the jury of executives. With the introduction of the all new Sun Chlorella Food Supplement into the trade criteria of Apricus Limited, the following are the percentage increase in profit that each of the ten (10) sales representatives came up with. Representative Headquarters Percentage Increase in Profit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Belarus Czech Republic Hungary Moldova Poland Romania Bulgaria Russia Slovakia Ukraine 12% 7% 6% 14% 16% 9% 8% 19% 13% 9% Average increase (12 + 7 + 6 + 14 + 16 + 9 + 8 + 19 + 13 + 9) ? 10 = 11.3% From the table, it can be seen that the company can expect as much as 11.3% rise in its net profits. Delphi method The Delphi method was adopted not as a major method for determining the demand forecast. Rather, it was fused to be an evaluative method for the first two methods adopted. This is however not to defeat the fact that the Delphi method can be used as an independent method for demand forecasting because as Whonder (2009) notes, â€Å"Delphi techniques are used to forecast trends and the effects of decisions.â€
Saturday, February 1, 2020
U.S. HISTORY I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
U.S. HISTORY I - Essay Example The war itself did not have a starting point, but began in a series of steps and a number of American Presidents had a part to play during the period. With the French fighting a loosing battle to retain control of the Indochina colony and Vietnam, the then US President Harry Truman, offered a small economic and military support to the French. But after the Vietnamese defeat of the French and the northern half came under communist rule, the threat of the southern non-communist half also falling under northern control was unacceptable to the next US President Dwight Eisenhower who sent military advisers to train the South Vietnamese army. The domino effect that communism might have on Asian nations was the main reason why the US became involved in the war. In order to prevent the Communist Vietnamese from gaining control, the United States in 1965 sent military forces to Vietnam to keep the weak South Vietnamese government in power of their region. America had other political ambitions tied with economic ones. Trade domination in the Asia Pacific region would open US markets to Japan. The British who had rubber plantations in Malaya would be comforted with American presence in the region. Aid would enable France to send back their troops back to Europe to assist rearmament of West Germany permitting the US to have an upper hand at the cold war. The prevention of the spread of communism was the primary focus for the US. Communism to America meant disregard for democracy, human rights violations, military hostility and the creation of closed economies that rarely traded with the West. All this the US took as a threat t o freedom and liberty. Following John F Kennedy’s assassination, the next US president, Lyndon B. Johnson committed the US into the Vietnam conflict with prolonged bombings of North Vietnam. The war took a heavy toll on the Vietnamese who lost 3 to 4 million lives on either side, along
Friday, January 24, 2020
ESD Static Electicity :: essays research papers
Every one knows what static electricity is. We have all seen static electricity in the form of lightning or even in the zap when reaching for a door knob. Sliding across the car seat or walking across the carpet can create this charge. The same types of electrical charges can have an effect on the electronic components you handle every day in class. Static electricity is an electrical charge at rest. Static electricity is most commonly created by friction and separation. Friction causes heat which excites the molecular particles of the material. When two materials are then separated, a transfer of electrons from one material to the other may take place. As electrons transfer, the loss or the addition or electrons creates an electrical field known as static electricity. The simple separation of two materials, as when tape is pulled off a roll, can also create this same transfer of electrons between materials, generating static electrical fields. The amount of static electricity gener ated depends upon the materials affected by friction or separation, the amount of friction or separation and the amount of humidity in the environment. Common plastic generally will create the most static charge. Low humidity conditions such as those created when air is heated during the winter will also cause the creation of static electricity. Many of the common activities you perform daily may generate charges on your body that are potentially harmful to components. Some of these activities include: †¢Ã‚     Walking across a carpet, 1,500 to 35,000 volts †¢Ã‚     Walking over untreated vinyl floor, 250 to 12,000 volts †¢Ã‚     Worker at a bench, 700 to 6,000 volts †¢Ã‚     Vinyl envelope used for work instructions, 600 to 7,000 volts †¢Ã‚     Picking up a common plastic bag from a bench, 1,200 to 20,000 volts These activity examples were taken from When you feel a static shock, you are experiencing a minimum of 3,000 volts of electricity. While you can feel electrostatic discharges of 3,000 volts, smaller charges are below what the average human can feel. Unfortunately, these smaller charges can and do damage small electrical devices. Many of the components used in your computer can be damaged by charges of less than 1,000 volts.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Pain Measured Visual Analogue Scale Health And Social Care Essay
The reappraisal of related literature is a indispensable facets of scientific research. Its entails the systematic designation, contemplation, critical analysis and coverage of bing information in relation to the job of involvement. The intent of reappraisal of literature is to obtain comprehensive cognition and in depth information about the effectivity of ambulation on improve maternal comfort decrease of hurting perceptual experience, result of labor during first phase of labor. The intent of reappraisal literature is to obtain comprehensive cognition and in depth information about the effectivity of ambulation on maternal comfort, hurting perceptual experience & A ; result of labor. The literature gathered from sole reappraisal is depicted under the undermentioned header. Section A: Literature related to trouble perceptual experience during first phase of labor. Section B: Literature related to assorted maternal places for maternal comfort, hurting perceptual experience and result of labor during first phase of labor. Section C: Literature related to ambulation to better maternal comfort, result of labor and cut down hurting perceptual experience. Section D: Literature related to non pharmacological hurting alleviation methods during first phase of labor for maternal comfort, hurting perceptual experience and result of labor.Section A: Literature related to trouble perceptual experience during first phase of labor.Campbell & A ; Kurtz ( 2004 ) conducted a descriptive survey characterized the labor hurting at two phases of cervical distension with selected group 78 labouring female parents and compared the hurting experienced at 2 phases of dilation ( 2-5 centimeter and of 6-10 centimeter ) with adult females in Greenville. Stage ‘s of hurting measured by Visual Analogue Scale, Present Pain Intensity, and the McGill Pain Questionnaire, and 1 experimental step, the nurse-rated Behavioural Index of Pain. The survey consequences revealed that there was important addition in hurting with increased dilation occurred for all female parents both prim and multigravidas. He concluded that labor hurting was equalin primi gravida th an the multigravidas. Lopez & A ; Pires ( 2000 ) conducted the randomized control trail survey was designed to measure the relationship between the parturients place and her abdominal and lumbar ( uninterrupted and contraction ) hurting during the first phase of labor. A homogenous group of 100 parturients was selected in obstetric section of a general infirmary, Argentina. Samples were indiscriminately assigned to alternately presume the horizontal or the perpendicular place for 15-min periods. Positions were safely selected by the parturients. Therefore, the female parent adopted ( a ) a self-elected place, ( B ) recumbent ( or erect ) , ( degree Celsius ) a self-elected place, ( vitamin D ) erect ( or recumbent ) , and so on. Pain strength was measured by the Argentine Pain Questionnaire ‘s Present Pain Intensity and the Huskisson ‘s ocular parallel graduated table. The findings revealed that a bulk of parturients felt less abdominal and lumbar hurting, either uninterrupted or due to contra ctions, during recumbency. The consequence was more singular when dilation exceeded five centimeters and less intense during the first half of the first phase of labor. He concluded that place may helpful to cut down the hurting degree during first phase of labor. Mikolajczyk, Sundaram & A ; Beaver Fraser ( 2010 ) conducted a study survey in aimed to analyze labor forms in a big population and to research an alternate attack for naming unnatural labour patterned advance. The survey were selected sum of 26,838 parturient, who had a singleton term gestation, self-generated oncoming of labor, vertex presentation, and a normal antenatal result in Maryland. An interval-censored arrested development method was used.The consequences revealed that Nulliparous adult females had longest and most gradual labor curve and get down the active stage after 5 centimeter of cervical dilation and may non needfully hold a clear active stage and multiparous adult females of different paras had really similar curves. Researcher concluded that active stage of labor may non get down until 5 centimeters of cervical dilation in multiparous and even later in nulliparous and after 6 centimeter distension merely the advancement in all gestation during labor. Niven & A ; Gijsbers ( 2004 ) conducted the exploratory survey aimed to analyze the nature, beginning, and effectivity of hurting get bying schemes used during childbearing with 51 British adult females was assessed around the clip of birth. Pain was measured by ocular parallel graduated tables and the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Analysis of informations obtained in an drawn-out semi-structured interview. Subjects were found to utilize a scope of schemes during labor, many of which they had antecedently used to get by with hurting. In findings that the entire figure of schemes used in labor was negatively correlated with degrees of labor hurting.Section B: Literature related to assorted maternal places for maternal comfort, hurting perceptual experience and result of labor during first phase of laborAndrews CM & A ; chrzanowski ( 1985 ) Conduct a randomised clinical test to measure the maternal comfort by supplying assorted unsloped places in 40 laboring adult females ‘s randoml y assigned to either unsloped recumbent place. During the stage of maximal incline of labor. When the cervical distension from 4cm to 9cm, Every hr during the stage of maximal incline. The research worker examined each sample vaginally to find her cervical distension and assessed her degree of comfort by utilizing maternal comfort appraisal tool the adult females in unsloped place group had significantly shorter stage of maximal incline of in labor and easing uterine contractions & A ; increasing comfort to the female parent. Bauer et Al ( 1987 ) Conducted a comparative survey to measure the effects of standing place and supine place on self-generated uterine contractions and other facets of labor in 20 normal term female parents they were given by standing and supine place frailty versa with the clip continuance of 30 proceedingss the research worker examined each sample every 30 proceedingss for cervical distension and hurting perceptual experience. The research worker found that the strength of contractions was significantly higher in 15 out of 20 female parents in standing place frequence of contraction diminished and Reduced continuance of labor.the research worker concluded that there is no inauspicious effects and complications in standing place during labor. Carlson ( 1999 ) in an article a survey by supplying different maternal places to measure the comfort position foetal out semen & A ; duet ion of labor. In 80 gravida I unsophisticated female parents. The places chosen by female parents. The research worker found that the different places improved maternal comfort & A ; fetal out semen. & A ; cut down length of labor. Chen shin-zon ( 2003 ) in an article stated that a survey to measure the effectivity of sitting place on labour hurting during first phase of labour.the research worker found that in sitting place the increased resting force per unit area in the sitting place is of some importance in the supplementing the down ward bringing force and increasing bearing down force per unit area in the sitting place could assist to significantly shorten the continuance. Gupta et Al ( 2000 ) In an article stated survey To measure the safe birth good maternal & A ; fetal out come by supplying unsloped places at Birmingham adult females ‘s infirmary Edgbaston, UK the places adopted natively by adult females during birth has been described as early 1882 by Engel am. The research worker found that by supplying assorted unsloped places [ like keeping Rope, delivering chair, hardhearted, crouching ] the female parent will hold safe birth decreased perinatal jobs. Liu ( 2003 ) conducted a descriptive survey to measure the cut down continuance of labor by supplying up right places in 68 primi gravida female parents between the age of 18 to 25 old ages were assigned to three groups. One group used a 30 grade unsloped place with no bearing down instructions and 2nd group used a 30 unsloped place with bearing down instructions the research worker found that the unsloped place enhanced the descent caput with shorter continuance of labor in both first and 2nd phase of labor. May berry et Al ( 2003 ) in an article stated descriptive survey to measure the facilitating advancement of labor by supplying assorted unsloped places. At New York university. The survey sample is 74 laboring healthy adult females. Supplying unsloped places for all adult females. The research worker founded that easing advancement of labour decrease of vaginal hemorrhage better neonatal out semen. Miquelutti et Al ( 2007 ) conducted a explanatory survey to measure the effectivity of unsloped place during first phase of labor during first phase of labor to better obstetrical and perinatal result. The research worker allotted 50 four adult females for experimental group. They were given unsloped place and other 50 three adult females in control group they were given supine place.the difference between two groups were evaluated by utilizing I†¡2 will coxon and fishers exact trials significance was p & lt ; 0.05 hazard ratio is 95 % . The research worker concluded that the unsloped place during first phase of labor will cut down continuance of labor. Roberts et Al ( 2005 ) stated that systematic reappraisal to cut down instrumental bringing by supplying up right places during Centre for perinatal wellness in Sydney.the survey participles were 281 gravida I female parents in that 166 experimental group provident up right places & A ; its control group in accumbent place each trail is analysed by utilizing meta analytic techniques. The research worker concluded that the up right place during labour important decrease of instrumental bringing & A ; continuance of labour perinatal injury & A ; bleeding. Roberts & A ; Malasonos ( 2003 ) conducted a randomised clinical test by supplying sitting in a chair and a side lying to measure the maternal comfort & A ; uterine efficiency among 19 gravida I female parents alternated between these two places at 30 minute interval for as long possible during labour locating place during early labor [ cervical distension less than 6cm †] and prevarication on their side in late labor [ cervical distension greater than 6cm †] . The research worker found the uterine efficaciousness less in the locating place than in side lying place and besides locating place will better maternal comfort. Sandi ( 2001 ) conducted dual blind survey to measure the continuance of labor by supplying unsloped place in selected parturient at the Negress oriental provincial infirmary the research worker provided 45 degree unsloped place the aestivator found that Reduce maximal length of labor in both first & A ; 2nd phase of labor and good new born out comes. Streamer et Al ( 2005 ) conducted that Randomized control test of evaluate the rotary motion of fetal caput by supplying Hands & A ; Knee places for occipito posterior place to occipita anterior during labor. In 13 labour units in university attillated infirmary survey participates were 147 laboring adult females with a occipito posterior place in that 70 were custodies keep place at least 30 min over per 1hour the experimental group and 77 were control group. ( No custodies knee positioning ) The research worker used extremist echography to happen out fetal caput rotary motion. Head rotary motion following one hr. The research worker conclude that the experimental group had important decrease in relentless back hurting, changing of fetal caput to occipito posterior to occipito anterior place and other results like decreased operative bringing and decreased perennial injury and besides good foetal out semen. And the control group have the comparative hazard of operative bringing. vino kiln spectators ( 2003 ) stated that instance control survey to measure the maternal and neonatal out come by supplying assorted places. At section of OBs & A ; gynecology of the university infirmary viema between 1997 -2002 entire survey participants were 714 drudging adult females. 307 adult females were control group supplying supine place & A ; 307 were experimental group supplying unsloped places ( crouching & A ; other alternate birth places. The analysis was restricted to 37 hebdomads normal sized fetus & A ; cephalic persecution with out any medical ( or ) obstetrical hazard the research worker found that unsloped place associated with good effects such as a lower rate of episiotomy, and decreased usage of medical analgesia & A ; Pitocin.Section C: Literature related to ambulation to better maternal comfort, result of labor and cut down hurting perceptual experience:Hemmiki et Al ( 1985 ) conducted a pilot survey to measure the maternal comfort & A ; length of labor by s upplying ambulation vs. oxytocin disposal. The research worker selected 50 seven female parents indiscriminately assigned control group & A ; experimental group.the research worker used as randomized control test for this survey. the research worker provided ambulation for experimental group & A ; oxytocin for control group. In experimental group 60 % of the adult females in the ambulation delivered their babes with out Pitocin. The average length of first and 2nd phase of labor was reduced and besides they had positive results on the other manus the control group.they are experienced stronger contractions before forcing and besides enduring from strong contractions. The research worker finds that ambulation will better maternal comfort, out semen of labor & A ; diminishing length of labor. Lawrence et Al ( 2009 ) conducted a randomised clinical test to measure maternal comfort & A ; lessening length of labor by supplying walking and unsloped places at Townsville infirmary Queensland Australia with the sample of 3706 pregnant gravida I female parents they were utilizing random and quasi random trying for comfort and experimental group in experimental group who are different unsloped place and walking the research worker concluded that the first phase of labor about one hr shorter than in a recumbent places and other results labour it will increase good being of female parents & A ; fetus Lupe et Al ( 1986 ) in an article stated that assess the consequence of ambulation during first phase of labor to cut down length of labor.and besides it will rush the advancement of labour.ambulation will better maternal satisfaction, and besides it will better maternal and fetal out semen. The research worker reported the ambulation reported the ambulation during labor will better greater maternal comfort and ability to digest labors and ability to digest labor hurting, lessening usage of anesthesia and analgesia. Read ja mitter et Al ( 1981 ) conducted a comparative survey to measure the effectivity of ambulation versus oxytocin disposal on better labour advancement. The research worker selected 14 female parents ( who failed augmentation in active stage of labor ) assigned eight female parents in experimental group, they were given ambulation and six female parents in control group, they were given oxytocin extract.the research worker used telemetry to supervise maternal and fetal status in foetus bosom rate and activity in female parent station of the caput, cervical distension, uterine activity contraction, frequence and efficaciousness. The consequences included labour advancement significantly better in ambulatory group the research worker concluded that ambulation is effectual than oxytocin. Souja et Al ( 2006 ) in an article a survey to measure to cut down the length of the first phase of labor by supplying ambulation and unsloped places at Brazil the research worker used Randomised control tests carried to measure the consequence of ambulation the research worker found that the ambulation in the first phase of labor will better maternal comfort & A ; cut down the length of labor. Stewart & A ; caldera ( 1984 ) conducted a survey meta analysis to measure the effectivity of maternal position on the advancement of labor. The research worker selected 275 labour adult females are indiscriminately assigned as control group and experimental group, control group were non given any specific place and experimental group were given ambulation. Radio telemetry was used to place fetal bosom rate the consequences included in ambulatory group shorter stage of labor and had maternal satisfaction, relived from hurting. The research worker concluded that there were significantly shorter labour stage of labour stage in ambulation group. William et Al ( 1980 ) conducted a clinical test to measure the effectivity of ambulation during first phase of labor on improve maternal and fetal result. The research worker selected 48 parturient female parents as experimental group they were given ambulation and another 55mothers are control group they were non given any ambulation. The consequences include the experimental group ( who are given ambulation ) shows improve maternal comfort, cut down hurting and better maternal and fetal result. The research worker concluded that the ambulation in first phase of labor will better maternal and fetal out semen. Wilson mi et al ( 2009 ) conducted a comparitive survey to measure the maternal comfort & A ; cut down instrumental bringing at Royal Hallam shire infirmary U.K on 1052 gravida I female parents. The research worker divided in to two groups. Ambulation for experimental group extradural anesthesia for control group the research worker found that there is difference in experimental group than control group ambulation will better maternal comfort & A ; Reduce length of labor.Section D: Literature related to non pharmacological hurting alleviation methods during first phase of labor for maternal comfort, hurting perceptual experience and result of labor.Labreque & A ; Novmen ( 2000 ) conducted a randomized survey to measure the effectivity of non pharmacologic attacks to relief the low back hurting. The probe selected a sample of 30 four adult females by utilizing three non pharmacological attacks line intradermal saline H2O injections, trans cutaneal electrical nervus stimulations, stand ard attention including back massage, whirl pool bath and broad mobilization. The research worker indiscriminately assigned 1 of 3 interventions. The research worker used ocular parallel graduated table.The adult females ‘s were self evaluated both strength and effectual. The research worker used to measure satisfaction by utilizing labour a aristocracy graduated table and bringing satisfaction index. The consequences included. The adult females received intradermal unfertile H2O injections group. Unpleasantness of hurting lower than standard attention group. While the teens group ( P= 0.01 and P= .003 ) similar consequences were observed for strength P= .01 and unpleasantness P=.03 hurting assessed merely earlier bringing.The research worker found that there is no important difference between all 3 group but first group has received back hurting during labor. Lee & A ; Chang Jiang bent ( 2000 ) conducted a quantitative survey to measure the effectivity sp6 G-Jo on labor hurting and bringing clip in labour the research worker selected randomized clinical test at university attached infirmary with the sample size of 75 labour adult females indiscriminately assigned n=36 were experimental group n=39 were control group harmonizing to para, cervical distension, rupture of membranes and labour phase. the research worker include 30 proceedingss acupressure on sp6 acupoint was performed labour hurting was measured four times utilizing structured questionnaire and ocular parallel graduated table. instantly after intercession and 30-60minutes after intercession there were significantly difference between the group in subjective labor hurting tonss at all clip points instantly after intercessions ( p=0.012 ) 30 proceedingss after intercession ( p=0.021 ) and 60 proceedingss after intercession ( p=0.012 ) the entire labor was significantly shorter in experimental group. The research worker concluded that sp6 G-Jo was effectual in diminishing labor hurting Simkin & A ; Ohra ( 2004 ) Conducted a qualitative survey to measure the effectivity of non pharmacological methods on labor hurting alleviation maternal satisfaction other obstetric labor. By giving non pharmacologic hurting alleviation methods. At North America in selected infirmaries. The probe used five non pharmacological methods. Those are continuos labour support, touch, bath massage, maternal motion and posters. And intra cuticular H2O blocks for back hurting alleviation. The probe found that all methods are effectual to cut down labor hurting.Increase, maternal comfort and out semen of labor. Toumarie & A ; Theauyomeau ( 1982 ) In an article on G-Jo on labor hurting alleviation.the research worker used randomized control test for survey to use G-Jo over lumbosacral country during first phase of labour the research worker found that the G-Jo will relief from labour hurting during first phase of labour death usage of anodynes. Water & A ; Raiser ( 2002 ) Conducted a survey to measure the effectivity of ice massage on labor hurting the research worker selected Hispanic and white pre labour adult females as a survey sample. The research worker used ice massage of the G-Jo energy meridian point big bowel and ( L 14 ) to cut down labour hurting during contractions ( L 14 ) is located at median mid point of tegument between pollex and forward finger. The research worker chosen pre & A ; post prove design and which used 100 mm ocular parallel graduated table and MC Gill pain questionnaire ranked numerically, verbally to mensurate hurting degrees. Participants noted a hurting decrease mean on the VAS of 28.22 on the left manus & A ; 11.93 millimeter on the right manus. The research worker concluded that ice massage is a safe, effectual, not invasive method of cut downing labour hurting.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Internet and Social Media - 1212 Words
Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. OH MY! Since the development of the Internet, technology has vastly changed the way we live and communicate. This technological revolution we have gone through has brought about many new things into our daily lives. The birth of social media has completely changed technology, and they way we use it. We can now communicate with each other from anywhere around the world. We can update people on our current location. We can have a conversation over text. We can inform people exactly what we are doing at any given time. Social media has boomed in our society, and is only getting more and more popular. With sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google +, people can communicate and update the world with whatever they see fit. Millions of people use social media every single say, with many of them using it multiple times a day. Teens in today’s world have been attracted the most towards social media, and use it more often than any other age gr oup. The temptation to always be on social media is very prevalent in many teens’ lives. It distracts teens from the more important things life has to offer like a good education, or a job. This technological epidemic may seem like a fantastic thing to some people, but I view it differently. Kids today are heavily abusing social media, and using it to harm or hurt people. I personally believe that social media is an increasing negative effect on teens in our world today because of the depressionShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And The Internet1564 Words  | 7 Pagesassociated with social media and the Internet. Many years ago, before phones and computers were invented, simply going outside to play was a great way to spend time with friends and be entertained. Technology has evolved greatly since these days. Teens can communicate, post pictures, and search anything on the Internet nowadays. Although social media is a very big hit in this century, the real question is, is it sa fe? What does the use of social media and the Internet lead teens to do? Social media and theRead MoreThe Internet And Social Media946 Words  | 4 PagesInternet and Social Media The advent of the Information Age linked people to one another, across vast expanses of geographic space through a simple home computer. While early home users paid per minute of access, the service providers quickly offered a set, monthly fee for access and continuously growing bandwidth availability to remain competitive as users started streaming videos, music, and live broadcasts. Along with entertainment and communication between people, the internet also offers neverRead MoreThe Internet And Social Media927 Words  | 4 PagesThe internet and social media instantly connects individuals anywhere in the world with each other. This instant connection can be beneficial to nurses in the workplace. It enables quicker communication between staff and is an unlimited resource of information for nurses and patients. The downside is that nurses have to be careful of what they put online. Social media can be a great tool to improve patient care when used appropriately. An article titled To Tweet or not to Tweet? Nurses, Social MediaRead MoreSocial Media And The Internet Essay1362 Words  | 6 PagesSocial media and the internet have changed the way people in the music industry do business, along with how people in society receive music. People in the music industry have had to reevaluate everything that they have done in the past, in order to adapt to how things are now. Artists are now taking control of their own careers; because of that major labels are not making as much money as they did before. Through the internet and social media artists have been releasing there own music on sitesRead MoreThe Internet And Social Media1437 Words  | 6 Pagescontinues. The internet and various social media have been changing the arena in which people communicate with each other. People use the internet to interact with various individuals all over the world. The internet has bridged the gap between communicating with individuals as they connect with family, friends and other individuals in society. As individuals embraces the evolution of technology, there are multiple ways individuals can communicate with each other. Social media has been theRead MoreThe Internet And Social Media Essay2046 Words  | 9 Pagesconnection where a person’s access to the internet is limited only by whether they have an internet ready device. The internet has allowed users to freely and effortlessly communicate with each other across the globe. This has opened up new and exciting prospects including forming friends aboard, creating a personal blog and competing in online games with people from other countries. It is estimated that around 2.95 billion people around the world use social media web-sites. In the United States (US)Read MoreSocial Media And The Internet1866 Words  | 8 Pagestelevisions, and in the past few decades, the internet. According to, in 1965, the first connection between two computers was made , and many advances occurred until the web we know today was birthed in 1991 by a swiss man named Tim Berners-Lee. This is when the world wide web, that WWW that appears on almost every URL, began to take shape, and where people could access an array of information. The internet seems to be the culmination of all these social media communication inventions. There areRead MoreInternet Usage Of Social Media1144 Words  | 5 PagesOVERVIEW: Internet usage has become a heavily integrated and important characteristic of current and contemporary society. It would be rare to meet anyone who has not yet used any aspect of the Internet. In fact, according to the article, Social Media Update 2016 written by Shannon Greenwood, Andrew Perrin, and Maeve Duggun of the Pew Research center, â€Å"86% of Americans are currently internet users†(Greenwood et al.) This percentage includes teenagers, emerging adults, and adults. Below are observationsRead MoreThe Rise Of The Internet And Soci al Media974 Words  | 4 Pagesheart of marketing, the core function is to create and deliver value to the consumer. The rise of the internet has seen the rise of the global consumer. Meaning businesses are not restricted by geographical location, increasing the speed and amount of potential customers within markets, presenting both a challenge and an opportunity for marketers. However since the rise of the internet and social media, Poiesz and van Raaij (2007) state that in increasingly crowded markets, and increasingly sophisticatedRead MoreThe Emergence Of The Internet And Social Media1079 Words  | 5 PagesThe emergence of the Internet and social media has had a tremendous impact on the theory and practice of advertising, public relations and marketing disciplines. Advertising spending on the Internet has outpaced all other traditional media (Center for Media Research, 2004). In the last two years, the number of social networking tools and the number of people using those tools have exploded, thus the rules are constantly changing and there is considerable uncertainty on how to employ these tools from
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