Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide - 1180 Words
Throughout ones lifetime there is a set of experiences that affects ones moral views, causing us to distinguish right from wrong in certain situations. One topic that has caused major controversy as to whether it is ethical or not is euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. There are some who view this issue as unethical and murder, and others who see it as a basic constitutional human right. Many people differ in where they place the line that separates allowing one to die and murder, and the biggest issue would be as to whether the patient can competently agree to their death, hence the word suicide. After researching both sides of the issue I have decided that I will be advocating for the view that physician assisted suicided and†¦show more content†¦Another difference would be that physician assisted suicide is legal in 5 states, where as euthanasia is not. Despite their differences both of these subjects have caused controversy on their morality. There has been as man y arguments over these topics in the medical field as there have been with the law. With medical technology progressing, there are things that can prolong ones life. These things may all seem good, but for a patient who has to live a life of suffering, a prolonged one is not something these people may wish for. This is where physician assisted suicide would come in, the terminally ill patient would go to their doctors for medicine to help with their suffering, fatal drugs. Examples can be taken from landmark cases such as Karen Anne Quinlan, Nancy Cruzan, and Terri Schivao, these are all cases in which the patient (or a close family member), decided that using medical technology to prolong the patients life would not be worth it. The 1990 case of Nancy Cruzan was one that brought much controversy because her parents were the ones to decide to remove the feeding tube after Cruzan was left in a vegetative state after an accident. The parents argued that she should â€Å"die a dignifi ed death as they said she would have wanted†(NY Times). Cruzan was in a vegetative state where she could not move and experience life as a
Monday, December 23, 2019
Architecture Of The Security System - 1589 Words
Chapter Three Architecture of the security System 3.1 Introduction This chapter is dedicated to present the design considerations and the main implementation steps to establish Zero-Knowledge protocol model, the established proto-type is a web-based application, represented as a web-site. The major requirements (CIA) confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity are covered by the security system. 3.2 Architecture of the security system In order to get a system is characterized by durability, flexibility and resistant any potential change, the security system is designed and consists of three layers: the user interface layer, the application logic layer and the database layer. All these layers in the security system the main goal is to make†¦show more content†¦26 Client Layer WEB BROWSER Control Module ZKP Module Integrity Module Encryption Module Server Layer Messaging Module Tables DB Data Base Layer 26 Figure 3-2 Security system architecture Figure 3-3 present the whole process the client, server will get through and the processed data also. 27 Client Layer Home - Page App. Page Welcome Page Sign-Up Page Log-In Page Main Page Edit Personal Information Personal Messages Page New Page Main Read / Replay Page Main Server Layer Authentication Key exchange Module Integrity Module Encryption / Decryption Module D.B Layer User Table Personal Messages Table Figure 3-3 whole process flow chart 28 Figure 3-4 the functioning of the security system 3.2.1 Client Layer: The users (applicants) can access the data on the server through any web-browser (like Google Chrome or Netscape). To build this system a number of sub-programs were built using some programming languages. The main program was named PhpMyadmin is used to design database. In general the presentation services or the user interface logic is located on the client machine. This layer manages the input/output data and their display. With the intention of offering greater convenience to the user, the system is prototyped on the Internet. The user interface layer contains HTML and PHP components needed to collect incoming information and to display
Sunday, December 15, 2019
American Superconductor Case Free Essays
American Superconductor offer electric power infra structure from its generation to distribution. AMSC is the leader in alternate energy. The company has two main business units: AMSC power systems and AMSC Superconductors. We will write a custom essay sample on American Superconductor Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now AMSC Superconductors American Superconductor has spent nearly 18 years as public limited company developing transmission wires of high quality in order to generate and deliver power. The Company has been posting continuous losses and mostly dwindling on cash. It has however posted recently its first ever profit for the quarter ended 31st March 2009 by earning a profit of $1. 3 million or 3 cents per share. (MSN Money) Debt Verses Equity Financing Equity and debt financing both have their advantages and disadvantages explaining why most big companies select an optimal capital structure which is a mix of debt and equity. Theoretically having a higher ratio of debt in the capital structure maximizes the return on equity. The interest payments on debt are tax deductible and usually the cost of debt is much lower than the cost of equity. With debt financing a company pays a fixed interest payment irrespective of the amount of profit or growth it has achieved i. e. it does not have to share its profits with its creditors. For a profitable company requiring extra capital, â€Å"debt financing†is the best option because with debt financing it does not have to share its profits or the ownership of the business with others. Equity injection however results in further dilution of earnings and management control. With the above argument one may feel that debt financing is the best option. Debt financing is a good option as long as the company has huge profits and liquid assets to support it. For a business that is facing losses, debt payments can be a huge burden in the form of interest payments. The creditors will have to be paid while the stockholders on the other hand will not get any dividends since the company is only making a loss. We can therefore say that equity financing puts less of a burden on a company’s financials when profitability is depleting or business is posting a loss. Higher equity percentage in the capital structure impacts the financial ratios of the company positively. Restructuring to 100% Equity It all started after the 2003 black out which occurred due to the over load of power grids and American Superconductors stocks surged by nearly 42% as an expectation that the quality wires manufactured by American Superconductors could be used to relieve congestion on the power grids. The company took this situation as an opportunity and the managers and board of directors decided to forgo debt financing of $50 million and adopt an equity financing strategy. The company raised $51. 1 million by selling shares which helped strengthen the balance sheet and enhanced the liquidity condition of the company. American Superconductors however continued making losses, but conversion of capital structure to 100% equity allowed the company to reduce its interest expense significantly. Since higher leverages magnifies return on equity of a profitable business but also maximizes the loss by putting additional pressure on the profit and loss account of a company. AMSC after converting to 100% equity capital structure saved millions of dollars every year in terms of interest expense. Recently AMSC has posted its first profit since the capital restructuring in 2003. If AMSC had not converted to equity financing it would have had a major problem financing its cash needs and credit worthiness would have gotten worse. The Debt to Equity ratio would have increased and debt would have gotten more and more expensive for the company thus increasing the interest expense of the company and it may have never became profitable. Long term debt continues to be zero whereas the number of outstanding shares can be seen increasing from 19. 7 million shares to 41. 5 million shares. Conclusion American Superconductor being a technology company had to face many challenges such as failed projects, higher cost of business and ever changing environment. Board of Directors in my opinion took a very good decision by not using long term debt in their capital structure. AMSC has been a subject of criticism but it has finally posted a profit and if it stays profitable they might want to rethink their optimal capital structure. How to cite American Superconductor Case, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Comprehensive Study Insolvency Australian †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Comprehensive Study Insolvency Australian? Answer: Introducation An organization or an individual, which can no longer meet the financial commitments with the creditors, and pay its debts on time, is deemed to be insolvent. Before a company is declared as insolvent, the higher authorities would try to make alternative arrangements for the payments by informal agreements with its lenders. Insolvency in most cases arises from an improper planning of cash flow of a business and lack of proper strategies to counter unexpected financial calamities (Mntysaari, 2011). According to Section A of the Corporations Act, a company is insolvent if it is unable to pay its debts when it becomes due and has defaulted on its outstanding payments on more than one occassion. The different indicators that a company is becoming insolvent are: When the cheques issued by a company is dishonoured on more than one occasion. When there are increasing legal complications for the company in the form of warrants or summons. When the company faces increasing difficulties to pay its creditors and finds it hard to arrange alternative sources of funding on time. To counter the risk of insolvency, the Board of Directors can try negotiating with the creditors to work out a workable payment method (Valackien? and Virbickait?, 2011). The directors may try to convince the creditors by devising a payment frequency and a fixed payment amount which could be met every month without fail. All the unwanted and fringe expenses are to be avoided immediately. The excess number of staff, the advertising expenses and the rents paid for the premises can be reduced by confining themselves to a more compact space. Other measures like selling the assets of the company and chasing the debts can also help the company recover from the impending danger of dissolution after insolvency. There are many potential risks for the Board of Directors in the event of a company being insolvent. The higher authorities in a Company would always be well aware of the current financial position of the Company and the associated risks if it would be winding up soon (Kitromilides, 2011). If the Company fails to repay its debts, the liabilities of the company would be passed on to the Directors under certain situations. One such circumstance is when the Director of the Company decides to be the guarantor for the debts taken over the personal assets. In such a scenario, he would be held responsible for the repayment of the debts. Similarly, the Company is not supposed to be involved in trade while it is already or soon to be insolvent. It is the personal responsibility of the Board of Directors to ensure that the investors are not in potential risk by involving in trading while at the risk of being insolvent. Another scenario is when a higher authority of the Company decides to inten tionally transfer the assets of the Company to a new one. This transfer may be in the form of transfer of funds or transfer of assets to the new Company. There is also another term associated with insolvent companies that are involved in trading called as wrongful trading. Wrongful trading denotes that the company has been involved in trading even after the Directors had been able to conclude that further investing in the company would incur huge losses to the potential investors (Arsalidou, 2010). If there is an impending threat of a Company being insolvent, there are a few expedient solutions that the Board of Directors can adopt as feasible measures to counter an immediate dissolution. The most important thing to be done in such a scenario is to try and convince the Creditors that the debt would be paid in full without delay (Mazarr, 2012). An informal agreement is made with the creditors which ensure that the payments would be done on a regular basis on convenient instalments. These conditions should be agreeable to both the parties. This informal agreement is made binding by certain regulations called as the Company voluntary Agreement. The CVA as it is more commonly known gives an assurance to the creditors that the payment would be done in whole or in part, within a stipulated time. A formal procedure followed by the Board of Directors in times of insolvency is to place the companies operation under an Administration. While being in an Administration, all the operations of the Company are transferred to an individual called as the Insolvency Practitioner. Being under an Administration would mean that the Company gets considerable time and leeway during the insolvency period to recover from its financial problems (Routledge and Morrison, 2012). It gives an option to the Directors to gain some time for repayment and also not having to pay in full to the Creditors. The Administrator could be assigned with the responsibility of selling the Business and try to salvage more through the assets than what could be gained from dissolution. Being under an administration could prove advantageous to both the Creditors and the company administration as the creditors cannot enforce any legal action against the company while it is under an administration. The administrator may give a few proposals workable for both the parties whose acceptance is left up to the discretion of the Creditors. To recover from immediate winding up certain practices are adopted by companies all over the world. One of the most often quoted solution for insolvency is intervention. An intervention is a procedure in which an external entity is introduced to take control of the business operations to bail out a company from an impending difficulty, which would be financial in nature. Interventions are mostly done to rectify the weak areas of the company. The method of intervention in a business may vary to a great extent depending upon the current problems and their severity. Two types of interventions occur which could be voluntary or involuntary in nature. Administration, introduction of a Insolvency Practitioner and Receivership are a few methods of voluntary intervention. Winding up the companys operations entirely by liquidation or dissolution comes under involuntary intervention. A controlling body called ASIC which stands for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission was creat ed to independently regulate the Corporate Law and Consumer Protection Law towards the interest of the companies throughout Australia (Schwartz, 2013). The scope of ASIC and its regulatory powers spans over different areas such as banking, insurance and investments. The primary objective of ASIC is to preserve the interests of the Creditors, Investors and Consumers in Australia by adhering closely to theAustralian Securities and Investments Commission Act, 2001. The duties of ASIC ensures that the financial markets of Australia are stable and transparent, providing safety to the investors and consumers in their financial transactions with a company. Apart from ASIC, another regulating agency called AFSA was set up under the Public Service Act in 1999 for managing and regulating the personal insolvency system. The AFSA which stands for the Australian Financial Security Authority provides insolvency services and regulates the bankruptcy and personal properties security laws. The duties performed by AFSA include the registering of all agreements such as the personal insolvency and debt agreements pertaining to bankruptcy (Kraakman et al., 2017). The AFSA ensures the financial compliance are maintained by the defaulters or the administrating authorities of a company according to the Bankruptcy Act. The steps followed by these regulating agencies, especially the ASIC, helps in maintaining the confidence of the creditors in the insolvent companies by implementing new reforms and initiatives which are workable and practical (Xu et. al, 2011). The ASIC also helps in regulating the actions of the Administrators, Insolvency Practitioners and Receivers when the control of an insolvent company is being transferred to them. These regulating bodies also supervise the actions of a liquidator to settle the debts of a company if all other alternative measures fail. The insolvency rates of the Australian Companies is enumerated and published by a regulatory board called as The Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA). The AFSA releases and publishes the bankruptcy and insolvency rates of Australian Companies each financial year. The statistics of the data is taken very precisely from both the debtors and the creditors. The national average of the total insolvency statistics is collected on a territorial basis which ranges from provincial to state levels before being tallied and estimated for the entire nation (Gallery, et. al, 2008). Insolvency statistic reports termed as Series 1 and Series 2 is released by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) on a monthly frequency. Series 1 report denotes the companies that enter into an external administration in case of insolvency, and Series 2 indicates the total number of insolvency appointments done. The data source for both thee reports is the Forms 505, which is an intimation that an external administrator has been appointed for an insolvent company and is lodged by the administrator (Wyburn, 2014). According to the statistics for the latest quarter for the financial year 2016 2017, the companies that had to enter into external administration had increased by a margin of 28%. The number of external appointments made came around 2200, an estimated 400 increase from the previous quarter. The total number of companies that appointed an external administrator related to insolvency remained as low as around 4% compared to the previous quarter. The statistical report for the current quarter in 2017 denotes that personal businesses and construction were the industries that were reported to have the highest number of insolvency rates. There are many topical issues faced by the Company Directors in Australia in case of insolvency. If the insolvency leads to liquidation, there may be chances of a criminal investigation not only on the business transactions, but the general conduct of either one or all of the Directorial Board members (Hensher et.al, 2015). The penalties in case of a misinterpretation or fraud involve a restriction from holding any authority in a company for a stipulated period. Or it could be a legal prosecution that may even end up in a prison sentence for the Companies Director. If a member of the Directorial Board acts as a personal guarantor for the Creditors, the debt of the company can be enforced upon him if there is a failure in the repayment. This will be a personal liability as the debts could be due to the misinterpretations of finance by the authorities. There may be even a risk of all the assets of the business being sold to pay off the remaining debts to the creditors. This may also in clude the statutory fees of the legal practitioners like the insolvency practitioner, receiver or the administrator. Once the company becomes insolvent, the experienced employees that were associated with the company have to look for other vacancies. This can be disadvantageous if the authority plans to rebuild the company with the expertise of its former employees. Other than being wound up by the Creditors there are certain steps that could be followed by the administration to avert the possible dissolution or liquidation. The practical thing to follow after insolvency or a financial accounting dilemma is to control and curtail the possible expenditure (Amankwah-Amoah and Durugbo, 2016). The Board of Directors can try for alternative source of funding or launch an emergency appeal to protect themselves from the impending risks of getting wounded up. Handing over the reins of the Company to the Insolvency Practitioner may be highly recommended as the expertise of such a person could bail out the company from the crisis, provided that the risks are maintainable. The Directorial Board could also consider the possibilities of a merger with another business, by retaining most of the former employees. This could help the management in utilizing the expertise of the experienced employees. Renegotiation with the Creditors could be considered as an opt ion, with specific regulations on the amount to be paid at a fixed frequency. This could buy the management more time to strategize better and come out with better solutions. From the extensive research on successful Australian Companies like Wesfarmers and BHPBilliton, few precautionary measures are identified to avoid the risks of being insolvent. The foremost principle for a trading company is to negotiate regularly with the customers on timely payments. Maintaining a smooth flow of cash by invoicing the customers on time and ensuring the timely payment would help the company in deflecting any possible threats of insolvency (Allie et.al, 2016). Bad debts should be disallowed at any cost and there should be strict follow up measures to chase debts and collect them from the concerned parties. Overtrading is another trap that small scale businesses fall into, taking up more orders than the existing resources can handle. This would only lead to complications for the business in the future. Keeping a check on the stock at regular intervals and disposing unused assets can help in maintaining the cash flow. If a strict follow up is made on all these measures, the risks of any impending financial issues for the company and the Board of Directors can be avoided. References Allie, J., West, D. and Willows, G., 2016. The value of financial advice: An analysis of the investment performance of advised and non-advised individual investors.Investment Analysts Journal,45(Supplement 1), pp.63-74. Amankwah-Amoah, J. and Durugbo, C., 2016. The rise and fall of technology companies: The evolutional phase model of ST-Ericsson's dissolution.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,102, pp.21-33. Arsalidou, D., 2010. The banking crisis: rethinking and refining the accountability of bank directors.Journal of Business Law,4, pp.284-310. Gallery, G., Cooper, E. and Sweeting, J., 2008. Corporate disclosure quality: lessons from Australian companies on the impact of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards.Australian Accounting Review,18(3), pp.257-273. Hensher, D.A., Jones, S. and Greene, W.H., 2007. An error component logit analysis of corporate bankruptcy and insolvency risk in Australia.Economic Record,83(260), pp.86-103. Kitromilides, Y., 2011. Deficit reduction, the age of austerity, and the paradox of insolvency.Journal of Post Keynesian Economics,33(3), pp.517-536. Kraakman, R., Armour, J. and Davies, P., 2017.The anatomy of corporate law: a comparative and functional approach. Oxford University Press. Mntysaari, P., 2011.Organising the firm: theories of commercial law, corporate governance and corporate law. Springer Science Business Media. Mazarr, M.J., 2012. The risks of ignoring strategic insolvency.The Washington Quarterly,35(4), pp.7-22. Routledge, J. and Morrison, D., 2012. Insolvency administration as a strategic response to financial distress.Australian Journal of Management,37(3), pp.441-459. Schwartz, C., 2013. G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms and Australia.RBA Bulletin, September, pp.77-85. Valackien?, A. and Virbickait?, R., 2011. Conceptualization of crisis situation in a company.Journal of Business Economics and Management,12(2), pp.317-331. Wyburn, M., 2014. Debt agreements for consumers under bankruptcy law in Australia and developing international principles and standards for personal insolvency.International Insolvency Review,23(2), pp.101-121. Xu, Y., Jiang, A.L., Fargher, N. and Carson, E., 2011. Audit reports in Australia during the global financial crisis.Australian Accounting Review,21(1), pp.22-31.
Friday, November 29, 2019
There ones was three brothers one of the brothers Essays - Shorty
There ones was three brothers one of the brothers is Winne de P oo h the famous bear of the TV ki ds show and the other is name S horty but his 6'8 and his a body bulder and his not that smar t the last brother his name is B iggy his 4' 3 and his is the smartest of all three. One day at 7pm there was a noc k in the door, bang bang bang , pooh told shorty to go see it is so shorty went to go see how was ate the door shorty picket in the pip hole and the DEA was in the door step dene shorty started to freaked out and went to wacke up P ooh and Biggy and P ooh slap shorty and he slap pooh back pooh said what going on shorty said that the DEA is ate the door dene the DEA nocked door down th ey tackeld Pooh and shorty and B iggy got away to the car and two cops went after them for 2 miles, Shorty said "oh my god I don't go to jail I should've listen to my mom she wanted me to be a doctor but I wanted to get rich fast now the DEA are chasing us'' then Shorty said 'stop being little girl and squirting''. Squirt squirt 'two DEA agents down call the military'' said the DEA behind there car,3 miles past in the radio said RPG water launcher in 200 meters shorty and biggy look at echuder and when they turned the rocket hit the left tier and the car flip over and hit a back yard , the military where approaching so Shorty and Biggy popped the door open .'' BANG ' one of the houses exploded so the brothers jumped the fence during the smoked and rounded to the side of a mobile home and waded till the cops left the area , a military convoyed stopped in front of the mobile home and two military solders jumped out of the convoyed and one of deme said ' search the perimeter ' , Shorty stranded to shake so Biggy said your shacking like a go go dancer tinted up ' and smacked Shorty behind the head
Monday, November 25, 2019
Definition Essay Topics and Ideas Meet the Diversity of Inspiring Opinions
Definition Essay Topics and Ideas Meet the Diversity of Inspiring Opinions Writing a definition essay sample seems to sound like an easy task. However, the piece of work that requires the determination of the word is not a straightforward activity. It implies not only finding the interpretation of the word in the vocabulary, but also checking its function, structure, or etymology and supporting it with evidence. Moreover, such work includes the incorporation of the experience or story of the writer to support its meaning. In this regard, the right definition essay topic or idea for writing the paper is crucial. The best choices refer to the themes of abstract or complicated nature, which may have two or more connotations. They provide substantial ground for the development of ideas and writing skills improvement. Here are some ideas that require significant considerations and result in the form of a profound piece: 1. Heroes? Who Are They? For a mass audience, the era of entertainment provides many heroic characters. However, the concept of heroism is not brand new and can be traced back to ancient times. By that, a hero is a person with exceptional features. For this research, a student may apply to the Greek myths as a source of heroism and provide one’s understanding of this phenomenon. 2. Metaphysics: What Is It? The philosophical categories are usually difficult to comprehend due to their abstract nature. The term ‘metaphysics’ is central to philosophy with its relation to matter and mind. It is a problematic category, which requires research of etymology and Greek relation, as well as the analysis of the work Metaphysics by Aristotle. 3. What Does Respect Imply? Everyone is taught to respect the laws and rights of others. However, where is the limit of respect? What place does the self-respect take? The relationship between self-esteem and respect for others may be a central topic for such a discussion. Besides, a student may address to the Golden Rule of ethics and interpret the term from its perspective. The book Ethics and the Golden Rule by Harry Gensler can give solid insights into the particular ethical practice. 4. What Is the Definition of Beauty? There is a famous phrase saying, â€Å"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.†It implies that the particular category is based on the inner experience. Following, such paper may include a personal understanding of beauty and make it the central part of the essay. However, research on the term is required, and the article â€Å"Beauty through History†by Sharon Romm can be prompt. 5. What Is the Definition of Empathy? Nowadays empathy is an important part of the successful manager. However, not many people understand its nature and how to achieve it. The best way to comprehend empathy is to refer to the philosophical origin and analyze its structure as well as current interpretation. The Merriam-Webster website can be helpful for determination of differences between compassion, empathy, and sympathy. 6. What Is the Difference between Drama in Life and Art? A drama has become a significant genre of art. Besides, almost everyone experiences it in real life. The profound analysis of history is likely to show why the drama is sometimes more heartbreaking than reals†by Robert Longley is there to help. 7. Who Can Be Characterized as Emotionally Unavailable? From first glance, the term â€Å"emotional unavailability†is unclear. Nevertheless, we meet people who block our feelings constantly. Analyzing such an experience can be a way to explain the term. Besides, the articles â€Å"Is Being ‘Emotionally Unavailable’ Holding You Back?†by Rachel Nussbaum and â€Å"10 Signs Your Partner is Emotionally Unavailable†by Lauren Shumacker bring the light on the concept and contribute to the explanation. 8. What Is Charisma? Charisma is crucial in the world of media technologies, but one can hardly measure it qualitatively or quantitatively. Most commonly, charisma is the way to speak and act based on wisdom, experience, and natural abilities. However, it is always about inspiration. In this regard, the exploration of the term has many nuances. A student can refer to the book The History of Charisma by Potts. 9. Sports: Is It about Playing? The current definition of sports cannot be considered without relation to business or physical activity. Nonetheless, history tells that there is entirely different determination of the word. The Online Etymology Dictionary shares a significant ground for revaluation of the term and underlines the role of cultures on the development of the current habits. These points may become a basis for writing a definition essay. 10. How to Define Artistic Taste? Artistic taste is a subtle topic to consider. Despite the high level of subjectivity, the artistic taste, which puts the aesthetics in the center, appears to be a compelling phenomenon to define. Considering the social and cultural constituent of the concept, the book Introduction to Art Appreciation and Aesthetics by Alfredo Panizo and Erlinda Rustia can help significantly to thoroughly explore the artistic taste. 11. Anti-Globalism: Where It Comes from? The contemporary media has primarily discussed the term of globalization and devoted comparatively less time to anti-globalism. The latter is the crucial term which developed as a reaction to the blurring of the barriers between the nations. By that, there are different theories, which constitute the concept and contribute to the overall understanding of the modern world. The article â€Å"A Brief History of the Anti-Globalization Movement†by Adam Warner is the suitable source for exploration of the term. 12. Who Can Be Called a Champion? The first thought coming to the reader’s mind is probably an athlete or militant winning a battle. However, being a champion is not always about sports; it is also about democracy and politics. The same word can be used differently, which makes it a subject for research. The Online Etymology Dictionary is a source exploring the word and its transformation. 13. The Definition of ‘Founding Fathers’ The particular term is paramount for the United States and its development. The meaning of the word achieved its weight in the past. Now, it continues affecting the minds of people. Thus, it is exciting to provide research of the event defining the power of the word and enhance it with the personal experience. Finally, the book The Founding Fathers Reconsidered by Bernstein is a great source to start. 14. Corner Office: Why Senior Leaders Work There? The rise of business brought the changes to management providing new rules and practices. ‘Corner Office’ also relates to the business world. Surprisingly, the term has substantial reasons for emergence, and the essay should identify and discuss them. â€Å"There Goes the Corner Office, Here Comes the New Status†by Drew Himmelstein presents the story behind the term and its particular significance. 15. Dualism in The Real World ‘Dualism’ is widely used in the philosophy to underline the dual character of the object or concept. The philosophical approach discusses the term regarding matter and sense, good and evil, life and death. The latter two are more practical and touches everyone in their daily lives. It implies the necessity of defining and explaining dualism. The paper can include both the experience and academic research on dualism based on the materials by Matt Stefon and Ugo Bianchi from Britannica. 16. What is Success Now? Society has always influenced the definition of success. Throughout centuries, it referred to the concepts of fame, wealth, and commitment. Some were successful without achieving the goal, while the others accomplished their purposes but failed to succeed. It poses a question regarding success and its social value. Students should check Re-Defining Success: Finding New Hope by Morrison. It provides the reevaluation of the concept and can trigger the incorporation of the personal vision of the idea into the paper. 17. The Definition and History of a Cult People have expressed their devotion to different figures and objects since ancient times. The current practice is usually related to the cults of personalities or religious organizations. However, it also refers to the fashion. By that, the definition of the word may be an exciting topic for the discussion. The book Unmasking the Cults by Gomes demonstrates the history behind the term, which may be a starting point for the essay. 18. Reflection on Healthy Food Recently, the concept of healthy food has become popular and underlined the aspire of people to care about their health. However, not everyone recognizes the actual meaning of the word as well as its vitality. Considering various opinions about healthy eating, there is a space for personal reflection and discussion. To begin the definition, one should consider â€Å"Healthy Food Does Not Exist†by Michael Ruhlman. The article defines the scientific side of the concept. 19. The Definition of Happiness The subjective nature of happiness has become the philosophical ground for its definition. For someone, it refers to love, while for others, it is about success. In parallel, it is an emotional state, and a student cannot view it without the scientific and sensitive parts. For the research on the first component, the Oxford Handbook of Happiness by Boniwell, David, and Conley Ayers can be helpful. To reinforce the paper, the student should refer to personal opinions and emotional state. 20. Where Is the Line between Bad Mood and Depression? Depression is the disease of modern days. The research on the depressive condition is a ground for the term’s definition. At the same time, the real stories or documented clinical cases may help in explaining the meaning. The website of the American Psychiatric Association provides the essential characteristics of depression. Conclusion A sounding definition essay consists of an exciting definition essay topic, careful research, and personal interpretation. The ideas with subjective and indefinite concepts bring more interest to the essay due to the diversity of opinions. The research is valuable for showing term transformations, history, and contemporary meaning. In the end, the reflection about personal experience or intimate recognition of the issue adds colors to the essay and provokes further reflection.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Tactics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Tactics Paper - Essay Example How could a group of colonies spread out over a vast region with no central government or treasury and an army that was inadequately trained and equipped possibly defeat the British who were the most powerful military force at that time? Britain had ruled over the thirteen colonies in America for more than 200 years prior to the Revolution. By the beginning of the Revolution, the wars against France fought on both sides of the Atlantic had burdened Britain with a massive national debt. To ease the national debt, Parliament imposed taxes on the colonists believing it only fair that they bear part of the expenses incurred by the British military in protecting them from Indian attacks and French invasions. The Stamp Act taxed paper goods sent to the colonies. It was the first of these laws while, with the tea tax, was one of the most infamous of these laws. The colonists thought taxation without representation in the British government to be unjust and openly protested these laws which led to hostilities between British troops and the Massachusetts Minutemen in 1775. This and other conflicts with the ‘Red Coats’ led to colonists forming the Continental Congress which immediately created the Continental Arm y and in 1776, signed the Declaration of Independence. The Americans, outmatched by more than three-to-one, were predictably defeated in the majority of battles that occurred during the war’s first year. However, the Americans’ fortune began to change following the victories at Saratoga and Germantown in 1777. These important first triumphs gave increased credibility to what had previously been widely considered as an unorganized, minor uprising certain to be vanquished by the mighty British army. By 1778, France had become convinced that Britain stood the chance of being defeated. Wanting nothing more than this, America’s first formal alliance was
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6
Research paper - Essay Example The study further incorporates the use of Swales’ 1990 CARS Model with a perception that the analytical tool used upon the evaluation process of 20 articles would indicate the precise introductions in the study subjects (Hirano, 2009). The third article, â€Å"Rhetorical variation in Arabic academic discourse: Humanities versus law†concentrates mainly on the introduction of genre variations in Arabic articles concerning humanities and law. The research further seeks to define the abundance of the use of rhetorical variations through the genre analysis approach. The fourth study article, â€Å"Research article introductions in Chinese and English: A comparative genre-based study†seeks to emulate the established rhetorical variations on English and Chinese articles, and their introductions to the discipline of educational psychology through the adoption of the framework move analysis (Loi, 2010). Lastly, the fifth article of study, the â€Å"Analysing Genre: Res earch Article Introductions in Economics†enables scholars to undertake precise surveys prior to the establishment of genre analysis in research articles’ introductions (Fakhri, 2008). Mainly, the article engages researchers on evaluating the introductions of rhetoric variations in economics. Therefore, the study seeks to establish the key significant variables and approaches towards analyses of rhetorical introductions in different types of scholarly articles. Abstract The discussion shall evaluate the articles’ importance to readers since the research shall show the writers’ engagement on varied types of studies ranging from academic to economic journals. In order to derive an understanding of the salient correlation of the subject in the journals to the CARS model, the study shall denote the literature review, methodologies used, and later on to establish the results. Further, there is profound evidence that would some of the authors find success in the ir work through the accounting of informative articles from different journals with a close observation on how each of the acquired articles would reflect positively to the CARS model. The research methodology The organization of financial articles introductions and the application of the CARS model The articles compound contrastive information through empirical surveys and the application of exploratory surveys. The financial and economic articles embrace different approaches of the model. Analytically, the survey seeks to emulate the inert information of the adapted genres through the application of exploratory approaches (Loi, 2010). Arguably, the articles may be used on a future date to bolster researches comprising multilingual aspects. Further, the articles are ideal for evaluating the rhetoric introductions shown in numerous financial and economic journals (p.269). Essentially, the comparative approach of evaluating the financial journals shall seek to elevate the application of the CARS model therein. However, the writers sort to use the analytical approach as a means of justifying the inert proposals of the researches, they fail to correlate the former journal materials to Swale’s study. The survey seeks to
Monday, November 18, 2019
Observations at a College Campus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Observations at a College Campus - Essay Example Men and women traditionally inhabit roles that place them within societal roles through which various functions begin to be addressed. One of the habits seen in watching women that are in the traditional age range of college attendance is that the use of sweeping their hair behind their ear repeats itself through social groups In observing the college campus setting for two hours, the use of this indicator of female openness to mating was observed repeatedly as women talked in only female groups, and more so in coed or male to female conversation. Men would become more aggressive in all male groups, where they tended to display puffery in mixed groups, displaying their virility through grandiose behaviors. Age played a significant role in the way in which both males and females behaved. Students who were only a year out of high school behaved in ways that showed that they were still protecting themselves from what was still somewhat unfamiliar. Students more familiar with the college experience walked more slowly and without a need for protective devices. Students who were of college age were more social with one another, while students who seemed to be older were isolated more often. Social grouping happened in a number of different ways. One of the interesting ways in which people grouped was in having similar levels of attractiveness. People who were socially considered more attractive were seen together with various levels of attractiveness tending to group together. Couples were frequently seen through this time period as they walked in a way that was oriented towards one another, making it clear that they were in a mated pairing. There were no groups during this time period which seemed to be grouping over racial classifications, but this does not mean that this does not occur. It was very interesting to see that social groups seemed to be more important to younger students, while older students were primarily alone as they walked through the campus. It i s possible that having become a student and gone through the process within that same university that interpretation of behavior is based upon the observer’s own memories of similar experiences. This is especially relevant to interpreting first year behaviors in comparison to older students. As well, differences in racial classifications is not something that the observer indulges, so seeing them may have been interpreted through other ways to classify them, leaving that aspect out of the observation. It was interesting to observe the hair sweep behind the ear, having often thought it was a common ritual among women. Client’s Name Professor’s Name Class Date Observations at a Wedding Reception In order to study the rituals and behaviors of a common Caucasian wedding, it was necessary to go to the (name of hotel) on (date) in order to observe a wedding reception from a distance. The period of time spent watching was intended to be two hours, but ended up being th ree. Having no relationship to anyone at the event, observations were made by sitting isolated from the activities and through sitting outside of the area in which these events were taking place, but still within the reception hall. Permission was granted to observe through asking an older member of the bridal party who was presumably one of the fathers. The original intention had
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Elements Of National Philosophy Of Education
Elements Of National Philosophy Of Education Education in Malaysia is a continuing process towards further effort in developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner; so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the society and the nation at large. To achieve the standard of First Class Modal Insan, National Philosophy of Education has been implemented to perform high credibility in students in schools in Malaysia. The National Curriculum of the school reflects the objectives of National Philosophy of Education (NPE). By implementing the curriculum effectively in schools, it can develop the students cognitive, affective and psychomotor (physical) with other potentials (JERIS) in students. 2.0 National Philosophy of Education (NPE) National Philosophy of Education which in Malay called Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan (FPK) combines the goals, policies and educational practices to form a consistent, clear and logical entity. The National Philosophy of Education (NPE) acts as a guide for all educational activities in Malaysia. It sets the values and principles of the Malaysian education system from the primary to the tertiary level. The NPE explains the aims and objectives of the national education for the individual and the nation. Its aims and objectives are in tandem, namely, to produce individuals who are knowledgeable and full of integrity who will contribute as responsible citizens. NPE also aims to rationally clarify the current educational practices as well as facilitate the actions and trends of education in the future. Education is considered to be a basic and major process in developing individuals to be the key players in achieving the countrys aims and aspirations. With the NPE, the national education system has propelled to the forefront of education in the region. NPE consists of several elements to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and physically balanced and harmonic. 2.1 Elements of National Philosophy of Education (NPE) Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, in order to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically, balanced and harmoniously, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well being to contribute to the betterment of the nation, family and society. The first element of National Philosophy of Education (FPK) is education as an on-going effort. Education is a process of acquiring and transferring of knowledge, skills and noble values. The acquisition and transfer processes are on-going starting from an early age till the end of ones life. Early education is important to shape the personality of young children from the age of 1 to 6 years. The personality thus formed will go on developing throughout the schooling years. Upon completion of schooling, the individual continues to enhance his knowledge, skills and character. For instance, after SPM examination, while waiting for the result, the candidates can seek knowledge by attend photography classes or computer classes based on their interests. Continuous education will assist the individual to adapt to various types of changes. The second element of NPE is development of individual potentials. Every individual has been blessed by God with hidden talents, potentials and abilities. Therefore, talents, potentials and abilities should be tapped, nurtured, developed and enhanced through social interaction with others and the environment. For example, a student who does not like to study sat for an exam. The result went out and to her surprise, she is among the highest. She did not realize her intelligence before thus, education offers her opportunities to develop her talents, potential and abilities. The third element of NPE is belief in and obedience to God. One must admit the existence of God and accept Him as the Creator of mankind and the universe. We must be aware that God determines natures laws and phenomena. We should also be aware that every individual is fully responsible for his deeds and actions. For instance, Muslims people believe the existence of syurga and neraka. In order to get good reward in life hereafter, one must practice all the teachings of the faith professed. The fourth element of NPE is knowledgeable Malaysian citizens. It means that all Malaysian citizens must have love for knowledge. In order to achieve it, they must strive to foster knowledge and reading culture. For example, they can go to any bookstores such as Borders, MPH or POPULAR to read any reading materials regardless of its contents as long as they are reading. Ultimately, they will become a broad and open-minded person. All in all, it is crystal clear that if each and everyone in the education fraternity uphold the NPE in carrying out their tasks and responsibilities, inevitably, our educational goal will become reality and not only just a dream. Other important aspect is to foster the capability of Malaysian in contribution to the nation. Through proper education and training, people can use their productivity and innovation skill to upgrade their productivities to bring a higher level of economic development. Here it does not limited to industrial sector but other as well such as service sector that involves professionals such as doctors, lawyers and so on. Lastly the important aspects are harmony and the prosperity of society and nation. Racial harmony can be achieve through the practice of proper attitude such as tolerance, cooperation, mutual respect and foster unity among various races in Malaysia to promote the harmonious and peaceful of the nation. The harmonious environments will help in the development of the economy and advancement of all fields. Harmonious environment encourage investor to invest in our country and also the blooming of our tourism industry. 3.0 National Curriculum 3.1 KLSR, KBSR, KBSR (2), KSSR The National Curriculum also has been developed from KLSR (Old Curriculum) to KBSR (New Curriculum) then to KBSR (Integrated Curriculum) and the latest KSSR (Standard Curriculum) for primary schools. Old Curriculum for Primary Schools (KLSR) implemented since the country gained independence. In 1960, a Subjects Review Committee has been established to be known as the Rahman Talib Report as the Minister of Education at that time was Abdul Rahman Talib. This Committee was established to review the national education policy as proposed in the Razak Report made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹on tahun1956 and early education policy before that the Education Ordinance 1957. Rahman Talib reports have suggested some aspects of education. One of them was Malay as the main medium of instruction in all schools, including national-type Chinese and Tamil. KLSR has emphasized the concept of overall teaching whereby students just learn and accept what they have been taught and there was also no group activity held which made students became passive in class. A study was done by the Cabinet Committee on Old Curriculum for Primary Schools (KLSR) which has been implemented since independence; found that there are some weaknesses that must be overcome. Until one stage, the Report of the Cabinet Committee has decided to implement KBSR (New Curriculum) as the change to the improvements from KLSR on Implementation of Education Policy issued in 1979. Some of the objectives of KBSR are students have to master and appreciate the Malay language as the national language and as a tool for solidarity; emphasizes the mastery of basic skills 3M of reading, writing and arithmetic; students should be able to write essays and letters; also focuses on the development of the individual as a whole which includes the physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social (JERIS). Based on the stated matters, it was clear that the goal of education in primary schools KBSR is to ensure overall development of students in terms of intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional, talent, character, values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and social aesthetics. Through co-curricular activities such as clubs, games and uniformed units, students are able to interact with different people, to understand the culture of other races, self-discipline, and can practice tolerance and cooperation with colleagues who have different religions and cultures. However, in KBSR, the syllabus content of subjects is repeated over and over and also was not related to each other. In terms of too many lessons to be completed, students finally became dull and not interested in learning. Then, KBSR was implemented. This KBSR was quite different than before because it stands for Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah (Integrated Curriculum). The aims of KBSR are to raise the literacy level of students, to develop their cognitive and thinking skills and to provide them with an all-rounded individual development which will help them operate efficiently within the social structure of this country. The principles of KBSR are more towards integrated approach, equal education for all students, long-life learning, conducive learning surroundings, organizational activities and classroom management must be flexible, emphasize and master on 3M (reading, writing, arithmetic) and integrated assessment of all learning activities in the classroom. While the methodology used in KBSR are; the spiral approach, learning through doing variety of activities, a child-centered, learner-emancipated learning system, the role of the teacher as a guide, and facilitator of learning. However, through this integrated curriculum, some students are ended by being passive, not active in group activities, unable to polish their skills and abilities as they are hidden by the active and dominant students. On the year 2011, Standard Curriculum for Primary Schools (KSSR) is introduced as an effort to reorganize and improve the existing curriculum to ensure that students are provided with the knowledge, skills and values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹relevant to the current needs and challenges of the 21st century. Implementation of KSSR aims to increase student interest in the subject of English. KSSR enacted in standard statement consists of standards content and student learning to be achieved in a school level. KSSR are based on curriculum design of 6 cords which are communications, spirituality, attitudes and values, humanities, physical development and aesthetic, Science and Technology and personal skills. KSSR use the elements of creativity and innovation, entrepreneurship and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) explicitly focusing on 4M (reading, writing, counting and reasoning). For now, students in Standards 1 to 3 are using this curriculum while Standards 4 to 6 are still using KBSR. The objectives of KSSR are to create well rounded and innovative individuals; provide a holistic platform for learning, and to reduce over emphasize on academics. Besides, the strengths of KSSR are more towards practical, less stressful for teachers and students, better interaction between students and teachers, students can focus more on major subjects; Mathematics and Science and also students can spend more time on co-curricular activities. Through KSSR, students can be more independent, able to recognize and polish their skills and abilities, optimistic and knowledgeable. 4.0 Strategies for the Realization of NPE There are strategies for the realization of NPE. These strategies are to foster a culture of co-curricular activities among the students, provide chances and opportunities to the students to get involved actively in the curriculum activity through a diversity of extra-curricular activities, involve students in co-curricular activities of various races, promote a sense of religiosity and values in the extra-curricular activities, enhancing collaboration and partnerships with community and external agencies, extending and expanding the participation of students of activities curriculum at all levels, provide appreciation and recognition to students, teachers and coaches from time to time, improving efficiency in school curriculum management system, increase the proficiency of 3M , reasoning, social skills and basic computer skills, improving the management team of instructional leadership capacity school, provide assistance to the school and ongoing monitoring to ensure that no student dropouts from compulsory education from the low level. The purpose of the education policy in this country is to unite the children of all nations in the state in the national language as the medium of instruction, although this nothing can be implemented immediately unless should be made gradually. 4.1 Role of School School plays the important role in preparing, maintaining and managing the infrastructure so that students can obtain a smooth teaching and learning, optimal and secure. Preparation of blackboard, chalk and blackboard eraser is an example of the infrastructure provided by the school. In addition the school also needs to maintain facilities provided such as library and media room that is always in good condition. Perfect administrative control of the school environment also needs to be controlled and disciplined. Culture à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹should be incorporated in school through formal and informal curriculum. Quran Reading Culture is achieved through the implementation of the activities which are consistent. For example, Quran Reading Culture can be activated through activities such as Quran Tadarus Council. The color of school climate is very significant in the development of an individual. The influence of the family in the formation of the school besides the student personality is relevant to students academic success. Through an orderly school climate, controlled, calm and order that allows conducive environment to the effective teaching and learning process. Good social relationships between teachers, students, school staff and local community people will form a manifestation to NPE policy. 4.2 Role of Teachers FPN will not be executed if there is no party that wants to play their respective roles. Educators should also strive to make the intention contained in the Wawasan 2020 as a reality. Implementation of the curriculum co-curriculum can develop potential of students in terms of intellectual, physical and emotional. Teachers as educators should be more committed to achieve aspirations which contained in NPE. The related parties are; 4.2.1 Headmaster Edmond (1977), Sweeney (1982), Hussein Mahmood (1993) and Leithwood and Jantzi (1997) stresses that the headmaster should have sensitivity of talents and skills of teachers, share goals and make decisions, provide professional development training and high interaction to teachers. Headmaster important role is in enhancing the professionalism of the teacher to achieve school objectives more effectively and systematically. Headmaster of the school will always provide support and encouragement to teachers to create a better learning environment and attract students to learn. He must not only good at giving directions, but must also be well involved with and implementation of programs conducted in schools. Headmaster direct involvement with the school organization is very important in creating a school climate that is harmonious and peaceful and in line with the Philosophy of Education. In addition, the Headmaster also is a reference point of school organization. If there are school staffs who have a problem, he need to be aware of and concerned about them. A good leader will be able to understand the difficulties faced by employees. He needs to lighten hand and ready to help the staff who have the problem. High trait empathy should have in themselves as a leader to always be respected and liked by the schools community. Therefore, a good headmaster and respected by all members of the school, including the students should have good skills in performing their duties and responsibilities in managing the school administration. 4.2.2 Senior Assistant Senior Assistant (GPK) also plays an important role in the school. There are three types of teachers in each school senior assistant of GPK 1, co-curricular and HEM (Hal Ehwal Murid). GPK tasks are to facilitate the management and administration at the school. They are responsible to the Headmaster in administration, curriculum, management, teachers and non-teachers. Senior Assistant 1 plays an important role in helping teachers to implement the Philosophy of Education successfully. Senior Assistant of Co-curricular is responsible for implementing these philosophy intentions. Senior Assistant of Student Affairs is responsible for the eradication of discipline problems in school and takes care of the welfare of students. 4.2.3 Head of Department Teachers who appointed to be the chief committee usually are chosen based on their excellence in a particular subject. Each subject has a head of each committee. For example English committee will be headed by a chief leader of the English language committee. Chief committee is responsible for ensuring the excellence committee which headed by him. He will also need to prepare lesson plans for the committee and each teacher will refer to the lesson plans. The lesson plans shall be consistent in all schools in order to achieve the goals of the National Education Philosophy. Chief committee plans to improve student excellence in the field of management. The head of this committee plays a big role to advance the school subjects in order to achieve the National Education Philosophy. 4.2.4 Classroom Teacher Classroom teachers play a very important role in developing the pupils in school. Classroom teachers act as father or mother when the students in the school. Teacher must know the problem of each student so that they will not be disturbed with the learning session. Classroom teacher must guide their pupils in a good way of learning. For example, teachers need to provide support and encouragement to students in their class, to study hard in order to get good results. In conclusion, the classroom teacher is the people who students are depending on. This is because; the classroom teacher is close to the students. 5.0 Activity in School I have given a task to interview and deduct the idealistic of a headmasters and a senior assistants routine regarding 5 activities carried out in their school to visualize or insist the objective of NPE. To accomplish my task, I have made a survey at some schools in Alor Star, Kedah to review activities that they have held in their schools. I finally decided to choose Sekolah Rendah Convent, which is one of the best schools in Kedah. My presence there was very welcomed by teachers and students. The school community comprise of the school head, senior assistants, panel heads, class teacher and the students. Each of this position especially plays a very important role as a part of FPK. It is through the correct management of the various positions in the school only then the intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual and social (JERIS) aspects of students can be fully developed. After interviewing the headmaster and senior assistant of the school, I managed to get some information to complete my task. School is the main stage in realization of NPE. The school plays an important role in providing the correct environment, holding different programs and activities and lastly the cooperation of the school community in managing their role in realizing the NPE. To accomplish the standard of National Philosophy of Education (NPE), schools have to prepare activities that occur in parallel with the curriculum used 5.1 Hari Keusahawanan/Hari Kantin First activity which had been held in the school is Hari Keusahawanan/ Hari Kantin. Canteen Day/Young Entrepreneur Day is a program that can enhance the cooperation between peers and students with hands on experience of the disciples on the business environment. The objectives of holding this Canteen Day is to give exposure to the students about learning and applying business methods they have learned in the classroom besides to raise funds from the sale for the school used such as to purchase textbooks and the balanced will be donated to the school library. Through these efforts the students can plan how to run a business and make a profit and loss calculation This activity usually held on the early month of March and is leaded by the Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum Affairs and is launched by the Headmaster of the school. This event usually took place at the open hall or at canteen itself. The reason why this event is held early in the year because it will not affect on students studies and there is also no current examinations held on that time. The structure of this event is a total of 30 stalls will be in operation on the day. Various stalls such as Burger Stall, Fried Chicken Stall, Miscellaneous Soup Stall, Nasi Lemak Stall, Fruit Stall, Various Drinks Stall, Stationery Stall, Students Accessories Stall and Packaged Foods Stall. The prices also are reasonable and affordable for the school community. There are also exciting games held on that day such as Ghost House, Indoor Games, and Karaoke. The response from the community has been encouraging. Parents are also participating on giving help to provide goods sold to students. Indeed, with the implementation of these activities has indirectly strengthened the relationship between parents, children, and teachers. The event usually started at 8.30 am and ended at 12.00 pm. Then, teachers and students will clean the stalls together. 5.2 Gotong-Royong Day Next activity is Gotong-royong Day. Usually this activity will be held early in the year like in January or February. It is headed by the selected teachers. This activity is actually to keep the school compound clean, beautiful and cheerful besides forming a new learning environment in the classroom, instill the moral values such as to love the environment, love the school, being helpful to each other, and also to keep awareness in students. Not only that, this activity also can make students to practice hygiene as habits, cultivate a caring attitude and commitment among the school about cleanliness and also to prevent from mosquito breeding. As results, the school environment will be clean, conducive, and free from mosquito breeding. This gotong-royong event had included along the cleaning area around the school, painting classrooms and planting trees. According to the view of the headmaster, this event could encourage students to clean and beautify their classrooms. The most beautiful class will be awarded. For painting sessions, the students were provided with a variety of paint and are divided according to their classes to do some mural paint. For planting, students can bring home flowers to be planted in the school. School landscape would be very fascinating if it be fitted with a fish pond, garden or other interesting decorations. Through this, students would have more interests to acquire knowledge and also on the environment itself. In addition, schools also need to run the 3K program. The 3K program means prioritizing cleanliness, beauty and safety. In this program, the school must ensure that its in a clean, beautiful and safe surrounding. This is because the school will always been checked and be supervised from time to time. Moreover, the Ministry of Education will make the monitoring at the school. This will catalyze the spirit of the school to ensure that the program successfully held. In conclusion, 3K program is very good to be practice at the school. This whole program runs successfully when the school communities work together for mutual assistance to each other. 5.3 Hari Anugerah Cemerlang Next activity is Hari Anugerah Cemerlang. This event is usually held on the month of July because it is the time tests and examinations have been given. The purpose of this award was to celebrate the success of students in examinations faced after struggling throughout the year. Various categories of awards were given to students who had successfully gained the best position in the class and the best gift for the subject. On top of that, the main objective of this event is actually to give recognition to students who demonstrate excellence and performance improvement studies. Council gives recognition for the success of all students beginning pre-school students through to year 6 students. Education Awards Day ceremony officiated by the Headmaster and accompanied by the Senior Assistant of student affairs. Council got an overwhelming response from parents and guardians. In this ceremony, the parents were entertained by small children perform dances, and antiphonal choirs. There is a lucky draw game, yet to feel the excitement of the event. Parents and guardians also donated rations of food and refreshments. 5.4 Teachers Day Next activity which is usually held every year is Teachers Day . This event usually held on 16th May every year as a tribute to teachers. On the day, teachers will be celebrated by the school community and also by the students. In Sekolah Rendah Convent school, there is a culture that has been practiced a long time ago when this special day arrive. Every teacher will wear a same colour of outfits on that day. Then, they will be escorted from the teachers room to the hall by students. On their way to the hall, their eyes will be covered by cloth and students will hold their hand and lead them to the hall. After arriving there, ceremony will be started. In this ceremony, teachers will sing Kami Guru Malaysia song and also continued with speeches by headmaster and teachers. There are also games for teachers and also performances by students. The objective of this event is to emphasize the role of teachers in nation building, national development and community service. On this day, students also will have the opportunities to give presents and appreciations to their favourite teachers. 5.5 Election Day The fifth activity which is important to the school function is Election Day (Hari Perlantikan Jawatan). This ceremony is important to give recognition to the Prefect School / Monitor / Assistant Head Class towards the implementation of responsibilities which entrusted by the school council. School prefects, monitor and assistant class are a respected group of students at the school. They are the chosen students who have good skills and excellence of the academic aspect, personality and curriculum. They also become the role models to other students. On top of that, the school also hopes that the shouldered position can train these students become effective leaders and be responsible and also to provide exposure of the challenges of life in future. Not only that, it is also to ensure these appointed students to be constantly motivated and confident with the position given. Due to this, the Appointment Day is held as a sign of the recognition of the committee. 6.0 Activity in Class 6.1 Convent F.M There are also activities in class which are related to the National Philosophy of Education (FPK). First, Convent F.M. This is actually similar to a DJ Radio program which is held in the schools library every year. This is one of the centres of attractions to make students come to the library. It involves students between standard 4 to standard 6. This DJ Radio program is not only in English language but also in Malay, Chinese and Arabian. There are also some days which discussing about Mathematics and Science subjects. The purposes of this program is to produce students who can communicate effectively, polish the student talents, build confidence in students facing the audience, increase vocabulary in English, Malay, Arabic and Chinese language and also increase knowledge in Science and technology. To train these students, a real DJ Radio will be practiced in class. They will pick up a topic and become the host of the day to discuss the topic in front of the class. After a lot of practices, they will be ready to be the real DJ in library and applying what they learn from their teachers in classroom. The best DJ will be awarded with prizes. This program also are fully supported by the students parents as its rarely be found in other school and through this activity, they could see their childrens potential and credibility. 6.2 Minggu Bahasa Next is Minggu Bahasa. This program is actually for the celebration of Bulan Bahasa Kebangsaan which means to unearth the talent of the students to be highlighted especially in the level of school, region, district, state and national. This could indirectly produce students to be courageous and confident with their own abilities. The individual targeted for this activity are all students from Standard 1 to 6. Among the contents which are prepared throughout this week are Story Telling Competition, Pantun, Youth Forum Competition and Debate Competition. These students will be practiced in class by teachers and the selected students will represent their classes to join the competitions. Prizes will be given to the winners in each competition to make them feel interested to join these competitions. With the availability of this month, students will understand and love the Bahasa Melayu as an important language and should be learned in depth. Not only that, this program also is to provide an opportunity for students to express their talents, test the students understanding of their knowledge related to Bahasa Melayu, encourage them to compete in a healthy way to get the best place, particularly in relation to language and produce students who are competent in the field of language. 6.3 Reading Corner Reading Corner is also practiced in each classroom in this school in order to generate a learning culture among students in the class. The concept of this Reading Corner once popularized by the library which currently become the source of information networks to access, collect, acquire and interpret knowledge among students. Reading center is a place for students to find information as well as to facilitate students to develop knowledge by using each of the services and facilities provided to improve achievement among them. The materials available here are reference books, magazines, photocopy materials and general brochures provided by teachers and students. The existence of this reading corner make students use every resource center to the maximum level even without visiting the library. The existence of the reading corner in the classroom is an effort to guide the students to interact with their peers. This will help to master students in the field of communication. The students can use reading corner for discussions on completing the process of teaching and learning by teachers. Therefore, most students will seek completion of the tasks given by the standa
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Compare at least four poems from the ones you have studied where a Essa
Compare at least four poems from the ones you have studied where a strong dislike for another person is shown. Write about My Last Duches a poem from Duffy, one form Armitage and another from the pre 1914 poetry bank. My Last Duchess was written by Robert Browning and published in 1842. It is based on a real person. Alfonso, Duke of Ferrara (1537-1597), married fourteen year-old Lucrezia de Medici in 1158 when he was twenty one. Three years later she was killed, possibly poisoned. The Duke then arranged to marry the daughter of the count of Tyrol. As was customary at the time, the marriage arrangements were arranged between the Duke and a go between. ‘My Last Duchess’ is a poem in which the appearance of the poem is different from the reality. When read ‘My Last Duchess’ appears to be a civilised conversation between the Duke and a Nobleman in which the topic of conversation is brought about by the Dukes decision to show the his very privileged guest a great masterpiece and to recount something of his previous wife. Beneath the surface, however, is a ruthless story of ruthless power and the Dukes disapproval of the natural and innocent behaviour of his naà ¯ve wife, who apparently does not know the value of his great name. The poem has a very abrupt beginning and appears to be one half of a conversation. Browning opens with the Duke explaining why he has named the painter, and that the painting is kept behind a curtain which he alone is permitted to draw back. And when he does this it seems as though the viewer is keen to ask why only the Duke is allowed to draw the curtain, but is too frightened to ask. We also note he is not been the first to question this action. We learn that the Duke is very par... ...from Book of Matches. Like The laboratory & my last Duchess, Hitcher is a dramatic monologue in which a man confesses to murder. We notice that he is like, yet unlike, his victim. Briefly the man in the poem has been taking time off work – feigning illness and not answering the phone. As this man drives out of Leeds he picks up a hitchhiker who is travelling light and has no set destination. Some little way later he attacks he attacks his passenger, and throws him out of the still-moving car. The last he sees of the hiker, he is â€Å"bouncing off the kerb, and then disappearing down the verge†– we do not if he is dead or just badly injured. The driver does not care. Unlike My last Duchess & the Laboratory the man in Hitcher does not know the man that he has killed. He does not even have a real motive for killing like the Characters in the other poems do.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Diffusion Of Responsibility Theory
Responsibility theory is like human responsibility, social responsibility and is related to legal responsibility. It is an ethical theory that says, everyone has its responsibility and are accounted to the society whether an individual, a bigger one like a town, a company, or the government. It is of importance to basically magnify its simple principles. Social responsibility is the answer to the inquiries on why people are subjected and often times ending up in to blaming, admonishing, and punishing each other.It is simply voluntary; it is on the subject of giving more than, further than and beyond what is called for by the law or the â€Å"legal responsibility†. Wherein you a person is accounted and responsible not because there exist a law, a rule, or an order from a higher being in position. There exists a basis of volunteerism. Diffusion of Responsibility Theory If you have a neighborhood or someone who is in trouble or in a snag and a group of people are standing, watchi ng around, they usually tend to do nothing. This common scenario has been well studied.Distinctively, the idea of diffusion of responsibility is merely cycling in this. The theory here is that responsibility diffuses or disperses across and among the group such that no individual could feel enough and aware himself enough to step forward and get involved. Some analogous situations may also occur like in situations in committees, when a thing has been existing around them waiting to be accomplished yet ignored after sometime, students are subjected to the establishment of blame, admonishment and punishment.And in this case, responsibility theory has some noteworthy advantages. Social responsibility in a huge way is important for it is a principled, moral or ideological theory that a person whether it is an administration, a conglomerate, an organization or an individual has accountability to the society or the general public. This theory is voluntary: it is on the subject of giving m ore than, further than and beyond what is called for by the law. This â€Å"called for by the law†is simply the â€Å"legal responsibility†and this is somehow not in the boundaries of volunteerism principles.Wherein you a person is accounted and responsible not because there exist a law, a rule, or an order from a higher being in position. In here, a person can’t promise a free accountability for his people. It is out of his deep willingness to do a certain thing and only accounted and responsible when he is obliged by something: for example, it could be a law or a rule. To explain this topic further, let us have this simple basis example. By law, a conglomerate’s or a corporation’s main responsibility is to produce money (income) as much as possible for shareholders and make it a point that they obey the law.Social responsibility even with no contact onto the people involve, accompanies organizations being responsible for the people as well as f or the environment they affect. This organizations or companies have the ethics, moral responsibility to do so with regards to their power and influence. They certainly have this dominance or power to help people or, could be at the least, not harm them. This responsibility theory is a principle of law that connoting every being whether it is a small group like village, town, or the big ones like companies, government or could be just an individual has its own accountability to the society.In this responsibility theory, I couldn’t miss out mentioning these two universal rules because I believe it somehow relates each other and crosses each others’ principle. First is, The Golden Rule: Do unto others what you want others do unto you. And second, The Utilitarian Principle: here is where you behave in a way that could result in for the benefit of the greatest number and for the greatest good. The connection among them is like this.Let’s say, some people emphasize t hat industries or companies have no responsibility (social responsibility) other than to augment their firms, enlarge returns, and abstain or desist from appealing in deception and fraud. It just means that the more they seek to maximize returns; they almost more often than not incidentally do what is good for the society. Building on the diffusion of the theory of responsibility and added subject matter- volunteerism, one way or another certainly it squabbles that a sense of responsibility originate transversely the personal and social domains of individuals who volunteer.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Asses Why Was Louis XVI Executed in 1793 essays
Asses Why Was Louis XVI Executed in 1793 essays On January, 21, 1793 King Louis XVI was guillotined, after being tried for treason and being proven guilty. During the reign of Louis XVI France suffered from constant economic troubles; the country was always in debt because of the present (Louis XVI and his family) and previous royal familys frequent spending on war and luxuries, in 1788 there was a terrible harvest leaving almost 80% percent of the population poor, starving and unemployed because of unbalanced social classes. For example; during the American Revolution Louis government gave substantial financial assistance to the Americans. When the Estates General met in May, 1789, the king insisted that it had one purpose: to solve the financial problems of the government. Although his plans did not turn out as he had hoped and the third estate left the Estate General and later became the National Assembly. The National Assembly became a powerful group that achieved many great things for France. There were three main reasons tha t help asses why King Louis XVI was executed in 1793; the Jacobins gained more power, Austria and Prussia threatened to attack France, and the Vendee revolt. The Constitution of 1791 marks the end of the first stage of the revolution, this constitution includes: the legislative assembly, this was a lawmaking group, to vote for representatives you must be a male and a taxpayer, this constitution also gave strong limits to the power of the king. The second stage of the French Revolution is called Radical Times, in these times the extreme revolutionaries, or radicals, grew stronger. The main goal of this group of people was to bring down the monarchy and establish a republic. A group of radicals made a government called; the comune, this group of people took over. One of the first actions that the comune took was to imprison the king and his family. On September, 22, 1792 the newly formed National Convention met, this was the fi...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Federalists and Anti Federalists essays
Federalists and Anti Federalists essays Soon after the end of the Revolutionary War if not before it became clear that the Articles of Confederation were not a workable arrangement. Wartime contingency measures might have papered over the most immediate problems, but with the coming of peace something more regular was needed. The defects of the Articles produced a host of disputes among states, which could not be resolved under its terms, and which times were serious enough to lead to militia skirmishing. More broadly, a fundamental issue had been left unresolved: Was the "United States" a nation in its own right, or a mere confederation of semi- autonomous states' This was not just an abstract question a great many group and individual interests were wrapped up in it. By and large, commercial interests were interested in a strong national government, creating an internal free-trade zone and consistent legal rules concerning trade. Other wealthy interests, however, had mainly local influence large landowners, for example, who in this era might still expect a quasi- feudal deference from tenants and neighbors. Their local standing would be diminished in a more unified national political structure. However, even these interests conceded that the original Articles were unworkable, while on the other hand many proponents of a stronger central government still had anxieties that it might become authoritarian, in 18th century language The Constitutional Convention was initially convened merely to patch up the Articles of Confederation, but it was dominated by proponents of stronger central government. Instead of modifying the Articles it threw them out entirely. Both Federalists and Anti-Federalists thereupon engaged in a propaganda battle. The Federalists won this in a mismatch: the Federalist has gone down as a political classic, while the Anti-Federalist writings have all but vanished f...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Art Reading Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Art Reading Summary - Essay Example Albers portrays that color perception varies according to its quality and colors around it. Thus making the color the relative medium in art and argues that, the painters post renaissance ought not to be occupied by colors physical fact but its optical instability (Kim). By representing the effects of change in color of light, it actually shifts the focus of representation from the reality of things presented. Due to the isolation and continuous fragmentation in search of truth in color leads to the loss of ability to represent the totality of the objects. Even though, Kim gives us facts about colors by virtue of their completeness, we find that these facts are indeed not right. Therefore, there are different factual approach to colors and its essence but trying to localize them is impossible (Kim). White is the first simple of all colors, but the philosophers will not accept either white or black to be colors. Painters provided explanation for why they have difficulties in accepting white as one of the colors among the many colors. Others argued that white is the color because it has similar color of the light, and them do see the light all the time and do not see its colors. White can be under the category of color skin or any other hue (Dyer). Whiteness already suggests its importance by designating social group to be for the human ordinary. It is not frequently included in paint color charts instead it is often treated to be added to another hue to make it paler. The color white is not only visible physical characteristics in other people, but it is also used to identify white people as white. It does not mean that color is the genesis of racism and racial distinction other than the way ethnic identity is thought and felt (Dyer). Other things might select other people as white yet literally they are not primarily white they are identified by the color white. Distinctions of color among the whites have been
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Market research to the success of a new business Essay
Market research to the success of a new business - Essay Example The market research processes help the entrepreneur of the venture to gather relevant information regarding the external business situation based on which he or she can take the suitable marketing and management decisions for the business. The carrying out of a suitable market research can be done through the internal personnel of the company as well as through a third party market research company. Whatever the avenue of the market research is, the results of a market research are expected to add value to the probability of success of the business in the market through an understanding of the external factors that are likely to affect the success as well as the continuity of the business Market research is an essential strategic management tool for the creation of a feasible business plan that would enable a new business venture to initially create a place for itself in the highly competitive business segments and to thrive in the market in the long run as well. Market research conducted for a start up venture is essentially the process of becoming knowledgeable and gathering information about the target market of a new business (Malhotra, 2002). A market research process may serve four types of primary objectives which are Predictive: The predictive view is aimed at analyzing the future trends, opportunities, risks and requirements of the market which helps the company to decide on its priorities and set its objectives and strategies. Descriptive: The descriptive view of market research considers the explanation and description of the existing market situations and aims at identifying the core reasons driving the present market condition (McDonald, 2007). Market research helps a business to understand the context for the new business, accurately define and target the appropriate customer segment, verify whether there is an advantageous level for demand for the products and/or services of the business in the selected market, collect
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